Thomas Fisher Rare Book Library: Medical recipe book (MSS 03340)

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to pickle purslain Tak puslaine stalks boyle them tender in faire water & a littll salt then let them stand & drean from the watter till thay are very dry then put them into a pot with good ale viniger & stor them close for use

how to make cheesecaks for the crust tak a pint of flower half a pound of butter 3 or four spoonfuls of cold water knead this well together then tak seven eges & beat them very well then put a spoonful or two of fine flower into the eges & beat till very well with a spoonful of rosewatter then tak a quart of good creame & pat into it a pitt of butter & set it ouer the five c when it begings to boyl put in your eges stiring it very well till it be thick then season it with nutmeg suger salt & [corrits] as you lik it your & or out must be [placed]

Last edit about 1 year ago by Nunezp


how to mak quince cream Take the quinces and put them into boyling watter unpared and let them boyl very fast uncouered hiat thay may not color & when thay are uery leude tak them off and peel them and beat beat the pap uery small with suger then tak raw cream & mix with it till it be of a fit thickness to eat lik a cream beat it you boyl the cream with a stick of cinnom I think it the better but it must stand ti it is cold befor you put it to the quinces How to make bardy cream Take a quarter of a pound of french bar walk it well & Let it Ly all night in watter boyl it in watter shifting the watter till it boyl while then strain the watter clean from it then tak a quart of cream put to it a sliced Nutmeg or a blad of mace Let it boyl together a quarter of an hewre and when it hath thus boyled put in to it the yolks of three or four eggs well beaten with Rosewater wretten it with suger then dish it fouth & eat it cold [vellv yn nyonman]

Last edit about 1 year ago by mmbohna
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For the black Jaundise Tak half an ounce Enula cumpana roots and seeth them in two pints of milk then tak the milk and strain it through a peec of cotten and giue the sick to drink this helpe a woman that was [tru[b?]] with it sixteen years another Seeth on [drachm] of the iner bark of a walnut tre in a pint of ale or beer & in the same drink quench steel being mad hot twenty times of this drink Let them drink fiue or six Spoonfull hot morning & night sheep dang or goots or fallow deers dung strained into milk or whitwine & giuen to the sick doth help the black Jaundise Tak [Elecampare] roots the [iner] bark of Barbary salendine roots of each alik of Inglish ssafron the wright of a groat steep all these in whitwinie & drink therof four spoonfull morning & euening For the yallow Janders Tak violat roots half a handfull boyled in whitewine tak an ounce or more or tak fiue or six great Lice of a man & drink them in a spoonful of whitwine or beere

Last edit 3 months ago by jmdesilva


For the yallow Janders Take the shells of two new Laid egges and sett them to dry in an ouen affter bread is drawen & Let them stand till next day then beat them to powder adding thereto an ounce of white suger candy finely powdered a peny worth of safferne in powder half a Nutmeg grated mixe them well together and diuide it into thre parts take one of the parts in the morning fasting in four spoonfull of white wine fast one howr after it tak other two parts the 2 next morning following as before said this is good for them that are weak after agues and children that haue consumtions with the rickets For a Rapture Tak of pelipody of the cake and the root of comfrey of each [ourc [=?one]] handfull of Knotgras boyl them a pint of white wine till half be washed then strain the liquor and put into it [&] one ounce of whit suger candy keep it in a glas and giue of it on spoonfull at a time morning noon and night for the yellow Jandeas Take cow dung and steep it in ale and strain it and drink of it morning and night for three days

Last edit about 2 months ago by Dancelot
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