Thomas Fisher Rare Book Library: Medical recipe book (MSS 03340)

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but 2 pound of butter then putt it to 2 quarts of Creame {13}a medicine for the paine in the head Take milke of a red cow and boyle it very well with sage [penirenz] all [heasbigiasse] then take two earthen potts and sett them to your eares untill thay make you fall into a sweate and that the Steame may goe upp into into your head keaping your head very close

Last edit about 1 year ago by Robert Twiss
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14 to make hart horne gelly Take 3 pints of runinge water and half a pint of whit wine and 2 ounces of hartshorn scraped of pouder lett then boyel sofly in a pipkin cleose coured tell it com to a pinte while it is hott strane it and put in to it a slised ginger a sinament tille the next daye take of the tope of and leaue put the [bootom] into a sckillet pand put som fine suger, a tope of sweat margeroiner holf a spunfol of rosewater a littel gjoyce of oringe and lemone and let it simer a while one the fire then put it through a gely bage

Last edit 8 months ago by Richard53
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{ 15 } to make quiding of rasp [...]

Put your raspers into a [ a yer ] [...] [ guge ] and set it in a pot of Boyling water one the fire let it stand tell it be well boyeled, then straine it and take to a pint of it a pound of fine suger fist boil yor [...] sugar to a [ kande ] hitte there but in your licker and let it be sollding [ hort ] but not boyel then put it in to your glases ___

Last edit about 1 year ago by mathuri.s
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Last edit about 1 year ago by Misha


{16} To make A Cake by msA P Tak 3 quartes of flower Well dried one Pound an half of butter Rub your butter and flower very well together then tak ten egges abate half the whites then tak a pint of Cream half a pint of good [aill] [yelk] and half a pint of Jack and half a pond of white Sugar mix these all well together there tak 3 pound of currons two nutmegs mix all well together then butter the hoop well and pul it in just as you [sel] it into the oven two houres Bak it there must be two two cap papers at the bottome you may if you pleas pul in a quarter of a pound of [Silloume] cut in thine Slices when you pul in the corons {17} an excelente [Recoute] for a sore thoath that hindereth Swallowing or falling the palatte Tak one ouce of Sirup of greene wallnuts half an ounce of plantaine watter half an ounce of red rose watter put these altogether and warme them and garg[u]ll your throat twice or thrise a day {18} Another for the Same Tak one hanfull of cheekweek and Lay it in a brown paper [ekoslilm] hot embers and then Lay it to the bone of the neck as it may be suffered and tak some leveuned bread and crume it on the mould of the head ant it Shall raise the roof of the pallatt of the mouth

Last edit about 1 year ago by Marilia Leite
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