Thomas Fisher Rare Book Library: Medical recipe book (MSS 03340)

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plaster to the stomack pitt [...] and other to the navell how to [ pa esarve ] [...] { 23 } apricacks apricock

First weigh your aporickocks and to a pound of aprickek you must take a pound of hard suger then pare your apricoks and stone the[...] beat your sugear to powder and put part of it in the botom of your dish and let your aporicks in it then strone som of your suger over it let them stand a while then boyl them softly and let them be covered [ hit [...] ] sorop and being boyles la the one by one in a nother dish and put the rest of your sa [...] in to the sorop and boyl it a littell more then pour it to them [ [symbol] ] glas [...]

Last edit about 1 year ago by mathuri.s
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Last edit about 1 year ago by Misha
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how to presarue damasons

First wipe your damsons then clipp half the stayss of them and weigh them to 9 pound of [...] you must take a pound of [...] suger then pick out som of the ripe stones and boyl them in far water in a skilet tell thay are boyled to peses then strayne them in a thing by it self then put your suger into a dish and your damsons in your suger and pour your Iuces opone them and boyl them safly until thay bee enough then take them up and put them in a dis lye them selfes then put som more suger into the siroup and boyl it a litel more them pour it upon your damson and soe being cold you may glass them up

Last edit about 1 year ago by Veena
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Last edit about 1 year ago by Misha
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how to mak fresh cheese Tak a [pind] of fresh, Sweet cream set it on the fire then tak the whites of Six eggs beat them very well and wring in the Juyce of a good Lemon to the whites and when the cream seeths up put in the whites and Stir it about till it be turned and then tak it off & put it into thw cheescloth and Let the whay be drawn from it then tak the curd & pound it in aftere merter with a litill Rose watter Sugar & put it into an earthen cullender and so let it Stand till you send it to the table then put it into a dish put a littill sweet cream to it and so service it in How to mak a codling cream after your codlings be throughly cold put the [pag] of them into a dish & fill the dish almost half full put sum Rose watter & suger boyl all this together untell it be ready then fill up the dish with sweet cream Stir it till it be well mingled serue it cold How to mak apple cream Tak twelue pipens pare & slice them then put them in a dish or skillit & some clarit or whit wine and a rase of ginger shred thin and a littill Lemon pith cut small & alit Littill suger get all there stand & boyl together till thay be soft then let it then tak a quart of cream boyled with a littill nutmeg awhile there when it is cold put in as much of the apple Stuff to mak it of what thicknesse you and[ls terus it vp]

Last edit about 1 year ago by KaticaMajic
Displaying pages 21 - 25 of 172 in total