Thomas Fisher Rare Book Library: Medical recipe book (MSS 03340)

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Last edit about 1 year ago by Misha
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How to dry plums or Damsons Take half a pound of refined suger beaten small and in a siluer dish or earthen [stroing] the bottome of the dish with suger sprinkle faire watter upon it lay half a pound of plums one by o upon the bottom of the dish of the suger and againe sprinkle more watter upon them couer them with a dish and put them in an ouen that is hot and let them stand till [they skins] begin to be a littill broken then tak them for[...] and turne them one by one and let them stand untell the next day then straine them from the sirup and lay them one by one upon a seue and set them into an ouen that is but warm and let them stand half a day then turne them and let [thrm] stand till the next day put them into a bo[...] and set them into a stoue a day or two & keep them for your use. the sirup of this half pound of plums will serue for 3 or 4 pound mor with a littell more suger stir[r]ing amongst upon them when thay are set in the ouen

Last edit 8 months ago by amytigner
Needs Review


For the eys to Strengthen the sight Red rose water Fenill water powder of [Tutty] put all these into a botle & shake it & wash the eys For a burn Mr Wrights direction Take sallett oyle & the white of an egg & beate both together well till it comes to an oyntment & anoint the sore uery oft with a feather it will take the fire out & heale it / prou'd For a pain in the stomack. or Greene sicknesse Take a handfull of Rue halfe a pound of figgs cutt of the hard knobs, & cut them small & beate the Rue & them to a [tonserre] put in a pennyworth of ordinary [breatle] & a pennyworth of Turmerick beate them all together & eate in a morning fasting as much as a walnutt, & as much at 4 Clock in the after noon

Last edit 8 months ago by Richard53


ruspfor the after paine of women after thay are delivered Take Bay berys beaten to powder and given in whit wine warmed & drunk after thay are delivered of the child doth appease the pains & expels the remainer of the after birth for the gout or paine in any Limbs Tak the strongest wort newly rune and boyle it till it com to a [salur] spread it on Leather and apply it to the place it draweth out moystur mr Potte cured severall by it for the pearll in the eye Tak hemlok pound it and lay it to the weis[t] on that side that the eye is that is affected severall limes if ned requier for a pin and web in the eye Tak a clove of garlick bruse and apply it to the littil finger on the contrary side & so apply it fresh once a day for severall if ned require another Tak liquorish beatten into fine powder and blowen into the eye helps specks in the eye

Last edit about 1 year ago by Fionarsobrien
Needs Review


the flower of salues Tak of Rosin & per Rosin yellow wax sheeps suet of each half a pound mirh [mastick] of each an ounce Fran Kincencse four ounces Turpentine four ounces camphire two drams whit wine half a pound powder that which is to be powdered & searse them Fine boyl the wine with all the other ingredients but the turpintine & camphire euermore stiring it till the wine be consumed then Let it cool still stiring it till it is but blod warm then put in your turpintine & camphire & when it is cold mak it up in rols & keep it for use the uertue of this salue it will breed good flesh it will [Jotser] no corrupt or dead flesh to abid in wounds it is good for all maner of Impostums in the head or ears or cheeks for all sinew strains or bruises it will draw out broken bones or any thing that may grow in a wound & it is good for biting of venemous beasts & heals all manar of botches [fistete] & [anker] & for nole metangere and it draw out all maner [bp]aine in the liuer splene or reynes and helpeth the emrauds it must be spread on Leather for aches pains

Last edit 8 months ago by Richard53
Displaying pages 36 - 40 of 172 in total