Thomas Fisher Rare Book Library: Medical recipe book (MSS 03340)

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To pur'g the blood in the Spring Tak surigrase Borag [liuerwoun] sage fumelary sorill violett leaves Damask Rose buds plucked from the heads of ~ each a hand full put them all in a gallon of new ~~ clarified whay and boyl them about a quarter of an hower let it stand and settel and then Drink of it twise or thrise in a day or as often as you pleas

Last edit 6 months ago by medrenliza
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Last edit about 1 year ago by Misha
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For the splene and s scuruiy Tak a handfull of [splennort] Tamaris as much [Liuernort] half a handfull spearmint an ounce of aniseeds an ounce of Licoras as much sweet fenill seeds [?ii or iii] figs slised nd handfu[..] of blu cerons boyl them in thre pints of [fo--??] water till a pint be boyled a way on a soft fire straine the liquor and drink of it euery morning fasting [and] on hour befor dinner a quarte[r] of a pint sweetned with sirup of [clooue] giliflowers as [much] at euening or an hower f befor supper thre [t--aes] in a week tak of the Juyce of scurey gras brook lime and [crelses] a spoonfull with as much Juyc of lemones in a morning

Last edit 8 months ago by Richard53
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Last edit about 1 year ago by Misha
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How to mak a conserue that is uery good for a cough either in old or young

Tak 2 ounces of conserue of red Roses and 2 ounces of Rasons of the sone stoned and beat them ni a morter uery small and one ounce of whit sugercandy beaten & scerced uery fine all these must be beatten in a morter and minggled uery well together then tak ayll of soulfer the twelue drops and oyl of vitrioll six 6 drops minggle all these very well together and let the party tak as much as a Nutmeg euery night & euery morning first & Last

For a continuall [yaxx] Take three graines of muske in a spoonfu[...] of beer

for the wormes in children Take of the powder of l prepared hartshor[...] and iuory of each a lik quantity and mingle it with suger therwith it is easy to tak if ther be a litill flower of brimst[...] brimstone it will to well mixt with it

Last edit about 2 months ago by carolineb
Displaying pages 31 - 35 of 172 in total