Stearns, Samuel, 1747-1809. Medical notebook of Samuel Stearns, circa 1773. H MS b1.1, Countway Library of Medicine.

Notebook containing descriptions of various diseases and medical conditions and recommended treatments collected by New England physician Samuel Stearns (1747-1809) in circa 1773. There are entries in alphabetical order including instructions on preventing abortion (miscarriage), setting fractures, and for treating melancholy, taken sometimes from the published works of other physicians, such as Richard Brookes (1721-1763), whose prescription for cancer Stearns transcribed. The notebook is dated 1773 and may have been intended for publication as part of a medical dispensatory Stearns was attempting to compile, beginning in 1772. As part of his efforts, Stearns traveled to hear medical lectures in North America, England, Scotland, Ireland, and France. The volume bears the locations including London, England; Québec, Canada; and Pembroke, New Hampshire, on the title page and flyleaf.


(seq. 116)
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(seq. 116)


Rx Ol. Amygd. d. oz. ij Lact. Virgin. Ol. Tart. deliq. succ. limon. aq. hung. Camph. aa oz. ss. Ol. Rhod. gut. X. f. mixture and with this anoint the Parts affected every Night. Wet a linning Cloth in the Moisture and Rubb your Face before you go to bed. If the above should Cause a Smarting use the following Rx. Ol. amygd. d. oz. jss cer. alb. s. ij. f. Solut. Beat this in a Mortor and add by Degrees aq. Ros. dem. oz. ij. f. Liniment. f. a. Rx. Vit. alb. Sal. Ammoniac oz. iij. m. add Flor. bismuth. dr. j. f. Solut. Dr. Shaw

Olium Cosmeticum A Beautifying Oil. Rx. Ol. Amygd. d. oz. jv. Ol. Tart. per deliqum oz. ij. Ol. Rhodium gut vj. m. this is very efficatious.


To bring out the Frost hold the parts in Aq. Frigid. Then bathe with. Spts. Vin. Camph. vel Rum Camphorated afterwards anoint the Parts with Ung. Polych. Then apply the Empl. Diach. cum qm. If proud Flesh should take Place treat it according to the Common Method. Dr. Ball Hold the parts in warm Water. 2dly. Foment with a Decoct of Warm Herbs 3dly Or use Brandy Or Spt. Vin. or Venic Treacle or Mithridate Disolved in Urine. 4ly Wrap ye Patient in Flannel & put him to bed and let him sweat. give ihm some Rich Cordial or Sudorific Medicine. If this doch not prevent a Mortification Use the same Remedies prescribed therefore. s. Dr Shaw.

Last edit almost 2 years ago by Ardilla
(seq. 117)
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(seq. 117)


Regimen Gellies & Rice Gruel is good No Meat Nor strong liquors must be allowed to fear of Raising a Fever

Empl. defensivum. Rx. Litharge lb. ij. Ol. Oliv. Qts. ij boil to the Consistance of a Plaister add Cera Flavum oz. vj. Olibanum oz. jv afterwards Bole Armeniac ppt. oz. vj Sang. Dracon. Venic Turpintine oz. jv.

Oxycrate Rx. Aq. Font. Acetum aa m. s. a.

When the Fracture is reduced to its former Position Anoint the parts with a Mixture of the Vinegar & Ol è Roses or foment them with Oxycrate after this apply a Plaister of Diachylon or Rather defensivcum So as to Reach 3 Inches above and 3 Inches below the Fracture This Done apply a Compress over the Plaister which must dipt & Wrung ut in Oxycrate or Red Wine warmed &c in which dip the Rollers apply two or 3 Rollers and one with a double head this being done Apply 3 Splints or peices of Paste Board or Scabbarding around the Part with filleting put the Limb into a Box and let it Lie in an easy Posture for the Space of a weak if the Bandage is too tight the parts will swell if too slack there will be no swelling 'tis best to have some swelling the Splints may be taken off any time & the parts fomented as at first at the Weeks end the Dressings may be Removed and new ones applied as at 1st und the parts not bound so tight as at 1st

Funktions See Giddiness

Last edit almost 2 years ago by Ardilla
(seq. 118)
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(seq. 118)

Galling in Children

Washe the Parts with warm water & Sprinkle the powder of Chalk thereon & the powder of C. C. C. but especially [jutty?] Lap. Calamin ad Ceruss. If there is a Sign of an Ulcer use Sacch. Saturn. Vit. alb. Ung. alb. Camph. &c.

Giddiness See Virtigo.

Functions There are three sorts of Functions viz. The Vital Natural and Animal

The Vital are The Circulation of the Blood, the Action of the Brain & Respiration

The Natural are Digestion, Nutrition, Growth, Generation Evacuation of the Excrements & Secretions

The Animal are &c The Muscles are the Orgins of Voluntary Motion. The Sensations are external and internal. The internal are Imagination, Memory, Judgement, Passion, Hunger, thirst &c. The external are Seeing, hearing, Smelling, Tasting, Feeding.

Glands Indurated

Swellings of the Glands from Viscid humours which at Length turn Callous and Cancrous raise from an Obstruction of the Vessels especially in the Glands and from thick [gross?] humours

Regimen Winter Pot Herbs, Pulse &c are proper. Sadness and inactivity should be avoided.

Externally Simp. Spt. Vin. or Camphorated applied hot with a little Saffron Empl. Merc. hot Sea Sand &c is good.

Last edit almost 2 years ago by Ardilla
(seq. 119)
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(seq. 119)


Cort. Peru. Camph. Myrrh. Bolus Alexipharmic.

Externally Ol. Terebenth. Camphorat. Cataplasm. Ungt. Egypt. Tinct. Myrrh & Aloes

1st Bolus Alexipharmic Rx. Rad. Serpt. Virg. s. ss. Occul. Canc. ppt. s. j. Syr. Clove July Flowers q. s.


This is known by a Remarkable Whiteness in the Eye lying deep behind the pupil and all things are Seen through a Smoke or Cloud tis said to be Incurable

Pulv. Antipodragicus Rx Antim. Crude Sal. Nit. aa pulv. 'till the Particles are invisible Gr xxvij. pro Dosib. This is Excellent in the gout and Rheumatism.


Bougies, Injections of an Astringent, Nature Balsamics, Cold bathing and An Injection Aq. Calc. Sacch. Saturn. Spt. Vin. Camph. Calomel.

Last edit almost 2 years ago by Ardilla
(seq. 120)
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(seq. 120)

Gonorrhea Virulentia

Electuary against the Clap, Laxative Mercurial Pills, Balsamic Potion. Tinct of Cantharides Common Decoct. used as a Fomentation Balsamic Injection Mercurial Injection Pulv. Cerus. Comp

Pulv. Cerus. Compound Com Rx. Cerus. oz. v. Sarcocol. oz. jss. Gum Tragacanth. oz. ss Pulv. add aq. Ros. q. s. pro Inject. If the Veneral Virus is not subdued add Calomel.

Decoct. Comune Rx. Fol. de Alth. oz. j. For. Cham. Sem. Fenicul. dulc. aa oz. ss. Aq. Font. lb. j. Coq. et Colat. This is a good Fomentation 'tis used in Enemas.

Pilulae Mercuriales laxantes. Rx. Argent. viv. dr. ij. Bals. Abiet. pl. Coch. aa dr. ss Rub the Argent in the Turpintine till ye Globules disapear then add ye pl. Coch. of which make 12 pills Give one in Mane & one Noctem


Gout Powder Decoct. Bardane Decoct. Wood, Scorbutic Juices, Alicant Soap diaphoret Julip, Squill Pills, Cinnaber of Antim Mercurial Pills, Stomach Tinct. Emollient Cataplasm. Bals. Anod. Bals. Terebenth. Saponaceus Balsam Camphorated Oil anodyne Linement Saponaceous Plaister

Pulv. Antipodragicus or Gout Powder Rx. Rad. Aristoloch. Rotund. Gentian. Ground Pine Germander and Century aa pulverize & dr. j of this every Morning fasting in a glass of Wine or Water. Continue it a year, at first there will be no great alteration.

Scorbutic Juices Rx. Garden Survy Grass, Quart Juice of Brook lime and Water Cresses aa Pt. j. of the Juice of Sevil. Oranges a Pt & a Quart Let them settle & pour of the Juice Dose is oz. iij twice in a Day

See Glaucoma.

Last edit almost 2 years ago by Ardilla
Displaying pages 116 - 120 of 171 in total