Cutler, Manasseh, 1742-1823. Manasseh Cutler papers, 1782-1856. Book III. gra00062. Archives of the Gray Herbarium, Botany Libraries, Harvard University.

Contains descriptions of plants, and locations where Manasseh Cutler found them in 1783-1784, numbered 330, and numbers 141-216. There is an index to plants described in the front of the volume. Entries include observations on nightshade (Solanum dulcamara), wild angelica (Angelica sylvestris), water plantain (Alisma), watercress (Nasturtium officinale), and St. John's Wort (Hypericum perforatum).


(seq. 21)

(seq. 21)

15 ye segts of ye Corol — rising from ye germen — adhering to ye take as far as the mouth — erect & spreading & longer yn ye mouth Anth — oblong & erect

Pistil — Style filiform, longer yn filaments — very long — Reclining. Style very large globulose-capitate.

Seed — Germ — very long Capsule it is oblong from ye pedicle & very slender towards ye apex coronated with ye calyx — perhaps ye pas capsule is finaly swelled. all ye way with ye seeds —

The seeds are very numerous small, obicular —

Root —

Shrub —

Leaves oblong

Leaves, Ovate — 3 inch long 1/2 broad finely serrated — dark green under upper

Last edit almost 4 years ago by Judy Warnement
(seq. 22)

(seq. 22)

16 upper side & lighter lower side — veined — stand in pairs on ye green short shoot — short pedicles —

The flowers are yellow with tinge of red inside to most of ym They stand on small pedicles arising from ye ala of ye leaves — princeply from ye ala of ye upper leves — one long round filiform pedicle from each leaf & ye stalk terminates in another — these pedicles send out have two more short ones rising for just under ye first capsule on wh stands 2 more — These pedicles are reclined & make an obtuse angle with ye lower part of ye stalks being a little rising from right — angle —

Examenn the tree —

Last edit almost 4 years ago by Judy Warnement
(seq. 23)

(seq. 23)

17 June 19th No. 149 — Small — Shot Bush from Mr. Fullers — Pentand Pentagy —

It seems to answer better to Hill's Aralia. The berry — bearing Amern. Angelica —

The flowers are collute into an umbel of a globose figure — The umbel rather open owing to ye flowers standing on long pedicles

Calyx, very small perminant perianth placed on ye Germen, divided into 5 very small segts

Corol — 5 oblong, blunt, reflected patent, but very small petals with a longitudinal liniar protuberance along ye center of ye disk of ye petal.

Stam — 5 subulated erect filamts longer yn petals of ye corol — & rising from ye germen. Anthera globular —

Pistil — 5 very short, permanent, Styles adhering together. Stigmata small & simple

Last edit almost 4 years ago by Judy Warnement
(seq. 24)

(seq. 24)

18 simple — The Germen beneath coronated with ye Calyx & Corol —

Seed — A berry — It is round hard & of ye size of a small shot —

Root — Oblong runs under ye surface of ye ground, & ye stalk shrub rises much like ye Sauer= =saphirilla — ye root extending each way from a kind of head wh rises up to ye surface of ye ground, forming a numb or head from wh ye shrub rises, single woody — perennel from ye root some ways up.

The bark of ye old shrub — is dark brown, ruff, & very thick set with small prickles — The young shoots are much more tender round & branching — The leaves pinnated with a odd one — short pedicles — serrated — ye whole stalk & pedicles are full of small grad prickles The stalk & flower stalks rise from

Last edit almost 4 years ago by Judy Warnement
(seq. 25)

(seq. 25)

19 from ye ala of ye leaves — ye partial involuen[?] 10 or 12 very small linear leaves & hairy — The flowers stand on small but rather long pedicles, rising from a common center, & spreading — forming a globular left? umbel of very small white flowers.

A very prety shrub, indeed.

June 19th No. 150 — Orchis — with bulbroot — Gynand. Diand.

Spath — a small single leaf, (Very small) broad at ye base incompassing ye Capsule so far as to unite with ye stalks on ye Op which rises on ye opposite side — Or may be more properly considered as a small floral leaf, broad at

Last edit almost 4 years ago by Judy Warnement
Displaying pages 21 - 25 of 156 in total