Cutler, Manasseh, 1742-1823. Manasseh Cutler papers, 1782-1856. Book III. gra00062. Archives of the Gray Herbarium, Botany Libraries, Harvard University.

Contains descriptions of plants, and locations where Manasseh Cutler found them in 1783-1784, numbered 330, and numbers 141-216. There is an index to plants described in the front of the volume. Entries include observations on nightshade (Solanum dulcamara), wild angelica (Angelica sylvestris), water plantain (Alisma), watercress (Nasturtium officinale), and St. John's Wort (Hypericum perforatum).


(seq. 26)

(seq. 26)

20 at base acuminated, ye Capsule rising from ye ala —

Corol. — 5 petals — 3 outer ones — & 2 inner ones — The midle petal wh stands opposite to ye stalk, is oblong, curved forming ye segt of a circule with ye apex turned a little reclining — The other 2 are irregularly oblong, broader having ye mergen next ye stalk, nearly linear or strait. curved from ye claw & ye open bent out, ye midle rib large protruding outward. Nervose The two inner petals irregularly oblong, narrower yn ye others rising obliquely & reclining out wd from ye base, curved like ye others — ye margen unequal or very slightly scolloped or rather uneven with long scolops. The large rib protruding inward —

The honey cup — one lingu= =lated leaf, fixed by its claw to ye recepticle & ye Style & rises next ye Stalk, betwixt ye 2 broadest exterior petals. The apex winged, blunt, with a No. of fine yellow filaments

Last edit almost 4 years ago by Judy Warnement
(seq. 27)

(seq. 27)

21 filaments between ye wings, erect — 3 small tubes lay parallel along ye inner disks rising at their apex mouths with a No. of fine yellow filaments from ye leafy part. It has two small protuberances on each side above ye base.

Stam. 2 very small & very short filat. & not to be perceived by ye naked eye, find on a protuberance of ye style — Anthera contained in two cells of an angular substance much like ye style as to colour & texture — or ye anthera are oblong at ye polen is contained in two cells, which open from on ? a fold of ye an irregular an= =thera, turned down upon ye stigma & conceling ye pollen. When this anthera, or appen= =dage to it, is turn in its natural state, appears like a kind of mouth, inward — ye Anthera is ye upper jaw — easily turned back on ye 2 [?] . The tips, according to Withering may be well described —

Last edit over 3 years ago by Judy Warnement
(seq. 28)

(seq. 28)

22 Pistil — The germen a Capsule below ye flower — Stigma Style adjoined at ye apex of ye Germen to ye honey cup, & seems to be a continuence of it, curved with ye petals, shorter, laying nearly on ye top rib of ye midle, external petal, flatish with a leafy appendage on ye acute edges, wh expands near ye apex. The up-right midle point is that to wh ye 2 small filaments adhere. The stigma is a shel-form protu= =berence from ye upper & inner part of ye Style, convex up= =wards into wh ye anthera stretch [shellish?] — The under side seems to be a kind of honey cup. The tubes & filiments attending it closely imbrace ye mouth of ye anthera & style when ye flower is blooming & ye anthera discharging — but when full blown they separate and —

Last edit over 3 years ago by Judy Warnement
(seq. 29)

(seq. 29)

23 expand & form a semi= circule in ye disk of ye flower

Seeds — an oblong capsule, very little twisting, flat on ye side next ye stalk with 2 longitudinal groves — ye other part rounding with with 4 groves. seed very small — Coronated with ye flower.

Root — bulbous — ye main or largest is irregularly oblong, indented erect, with small fibres sent out at ye bottom, on ye top is ye remains of ye last years = stalks, on ye sides a small buds from which arise a new bulb & sends up a stalk ye The new bulb adheres by a fibre, where are sent out — between ye 2 bulbs many white cylindrical fibres in ye form of a wheel which stands upright — The bulb yt ye stalk

Last edit over 3 years ago by Judy Warnement
(seq. 30)

(seq. 30)

24 stalk rises from is small —

Stalk — is round, smoth, erect — 15 or 18 inch high — of ye size of a very large knitting needle — or a large common wire. It has one very long grassy leaf — inclosing ye stalks at its base some ways up — This leaf is 9 or 10 inch long & 3/10 wide & erect. several flowers stand alter= nate in a kind of spike, on ye top of ye stalk —

The flowers are of a beautiful bright light red between a scarlet & a murry or peach blossom — Disk of ye flower are inch broad —

I am at a loss wt Class it belongs to — possible ye honey leaf may be a filament & yn but think it can not —

Grows plentifully in wet meadows.

Last edit over 3 years ago by Judy Warnement
Displaying pages 26 - 30 of 156 in total