Leland Stanford Papers


Leland Stanford Papers
Correspondence, telegrams; business, legal, financial, and official papers; speeches, journals, and newsclippings; and other materials relating to the construction of the Central Pacific Railroad, Stanford's political career, business and financial interests, and the founding and construction of Stanford University.


Correspondence (incoming) - H

Correspondence (incoming) - H

Hackett, Mrs. B. S.; Hackness, H. W.; Hanks, Henry G.; Harris, Thomas; Haven, Alfred C.; Havrmann, W.; Hayes, Leslie; Heller, N. B.; Henry, L. D.: 5/7/1889 requesting a road be laid from the Palo Alto station south to county road; Hilton, Mrs. J.M.; Hoitt, Ira G.; Howell, Lena L.; Huntington...

55 pages: 34% complete (0% indexed, 100% transcribed, 65% needs review)
Correspondence (incoming) - H

Correspondence (incoming) - H

Harrison: 2/22/1891 request for a meeting; Haymond: 1/23/1884 delegation from California; Colton case; Heald: 6/8/1889 on Stanford's proposed World Arbitration League; Hooker, J.D.: 6/90/1880 offer of tour of Kew Gardens; Hooker, J.:12/31/1872 [?92] social note; Hopkins: 4/9/1869 (tel) re...

17 pages: 88% complete (0% indexed, 100% transcribed, 12% needs review)
Correspondence (incoming) - N-P

Correspondence (incoming) - N-P

Noble, H. A.; Otis, Mrs. N. Whittier; Park, Carl H.; Patterson, Mrs. D.; Pereau, J. L.; Pomeroy, John N.:1/24/1885: urges Stanford to includes a department of political science in the university Metadata: Available Online: https://purl.stanford.edu/yk911sx8034 Title: Correspondence (incoming)...

35 pages: 62% complete (0% indexed, 100% transcribed, 37% needs review)
Correspondence (incoming) - Sp-St

Correspondence (incoming) - Sp-St

Spence, John F., asking for help in securing memorial to Bishop Newman at Grant Memorial University, with woodcut of the building 1889 May 7; Spencer, F. E.; Spurr, Charles W.; Staeubli, Theo S.; Stairley, B. F.; Steinwand, Otto; Stephens, Eleanor G., would like teaching/administrative position...

28 pages: 96% complete (0% indexed, 96% transcribed)
Correspondence (incoming) - T-V

Correspondence (incoming) - T-V

Tells, T. S.; Thompson, A.B.; Townsend, Fred; Tracy, S. M.; Tubbs, A. L., (tel) accepts position as U. Trustee 1885 Nov 11; Turney, O. A.; Turrill, Charles B., on his idea for an industrial museum in connection with the university 1889 July 1; Unsworth, A. C.; Veghte, Henry; Vineyard, Anna...

28 pages: 96% complete (0% indexed, 100% transcribed, 4% needs review)
Correspondence (incoming) - W-Z

Correspondence (incoming) - W-Z

Waddington, W. W., endorsing Paul Viollet for teaching position 1889 Feb 15; Walker, Francis A.; Walter, Carrie Stevens; Warmley, J. C.; Warner, J. G.; Warren, Col.; West, Maud; White, Andrew D., his impressions of Stanford University and suggestions (TS copy) 1892 May 26; Williams, A. C. B.;...

55 pages: 98% complete (0% indexed, 100% transcribed, 2% needs review)
Correspondence (outgoing)

Correspondence (outgoing)

to T. W. Stanford: his health and issue of tariffs 1892 May 30; to A. Lathrop: re horses 1892 Aug 8; to B. Harrison (tel): condolences on wife's death 1892 Oct 25; to Mrs. E. F. Beale (tel): condolences 1893 April 22; to F. Shay: the Stillman matter and other business concerns 1893 June...

11 pages: 90% complete (0% indexed, 91% transcribed)
Correspondence (outgoing)

Correspondence (outgoing)

to CPRR: letter of introduction for Mrs. Henry Weatherbee 1870 Dec 23; to CPRR: letter of introduction for Mrs. Henry Weatherbee 1871 April 17; to Cmte on Nevada University: CPRR offers 20 acres and $500 1872 Feb 21; to E. G. Northrup: unable to be of assistance [verifax copy] 1872 June 26; to...

22 pages: 9% complete (0% indexed, 100% transcribed, 91% needs review)
Correspondence (outgoing)

Correspondence (outgoing)

to parents: business and financial affairs, elections, gold and silver discoveries 1860 May 4; to parents: $1,000 enclosed, desires them to move to California 1860 Aug 10; gives brother Josiah power of attorney to manage and control his property 1861 Jan 18; to mother: death of his father 1862...

22 pages: 68% complete (0% indexed, 100% transcribed, 32% needs review)
Correspondence (outgoing)

Correspondence (outgoing)

to mother: appreciation of her, desire to visit, news of family in California 1865 Dec 24; to E. B. Crocker: will complete W. P. deal in any event 1867 April 22; to Jane Stanford: gives her stock in Contract & Finance Co. 1868 May 30; to H. G. Blaisdell: suggests Charles J. Forbes as...

25 pages: 84% complete (0% indexed, 100% transcribed, 16% needs review)
Displaying works 11 - 20 of 53 in total

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