Leland Stanford Papers

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Leland Stanford Papers
Correspondence, telegrams; business, legal, financial, and official papers; speeches, journals, and newsclippings; and other materials relating to the construction of the Central Pacific Railroad, Stanford's political career, business and financial interests, and the founding and construction of Stanford University.


Correspondence (outgoing)

Correspondence (outgoing)

to J. W. Knox: Electioneer to cover Knox's mare 1886 Jan 25; to RR officials: extend courtesies for Miss A. Lathrop 1886 Feb 9; to Ariel Lathrop (tel): send Miss. Valley Construction Co. stock 1886 July 22; to Pres. Grover Cleveland: support for P. O. in San Francisco 1887 March 3; to J....

21 pages: 33% complete (0% indexed, 100% transcribed, 67% needs review)
Correspondence (outgoing)

Correspondence (outgoing)

to R. Bonner: re horse Sunol 1890 Feb 7; to A. G. Porter: re appointment [photostat copy] 1890 Feb 18; to W. Carr: re appintment 1890 Feb 29; to [B.F.] Tracey: letter of condolence [mss. copy] 1890 March; to W. Blaine: letter of condolence [mss. copy] 1890 March; to Mrs. T. Hopkins (tel): relays...

17 pages: 29% complete (0% indexed, 100% transcribed, 71% needs review)
Correspondence (outgoing)

Correspondence (outgoing)

to "Dear Sister": sends money 1881 Feb 5; to Jane Stanford (telegram) 1881 [no month] 27; to Jane Stanford: arrived safely in New York 1882 June 6; to Jane Stanford: his visit to Albany and her mother's health 1882 June 9; to J.D.B. Stillman: re price of the book 1882 July 26; to J....

48 pages: 70% complete (0% indexed, 100% transcribed, 29% needs review)
Correspondence (outgoing)

Correspondence (outgoing)

to father: arrival at Clinton 1841 May 21; to father: arrival at Clinton; cost of studies and courses 1843 Jan 7; to Charles: his election as president of the Philotenian Society 1843 Jan 29; to Charles: leaves for Cazenovia 1844 Jan 25; to Asa Philip: railroad settlement, Cazenovia girls,...

18 pages: 72% complete (0% indexed, 100% transcribed, 28% needs review)
Correspondence with David Starr Jordan

Correspondence with David Starr Jordan

recommends Dr. Charles of Menlo Park 1892 Jan 1; Dr. Grau and Miss Ames on payroll; mistress of Roble Hall; pleased with address 1892 Jan 1; must exercise own judgment on engaging profs. White, Dudley, Jenks and Angell 1892 Feb 17; payment of professors for outside lectures; steam heat for...

31 pages: 96% complete (0% indexed, 100% transcribed, 3% needs review)
Correspondence with David Starr Jordan

Correspondence with David Starr Jordan

thinks 15 professors enough to open with 1891 Apr 13; decided to name boys dormitory Encina Hall 1891 May 9; approves prospectus; names dormitories for oak trees 1891 May 16; will have accommodations for 80 girls 1891 May 21; thinks 4-5 thousand dollars sufficient to start library 1891 May 26;...

9 pages: 0% complete (0% indexed, 100% transcribed, 100% needs review)
Correspondence with David Starr Jordan

Correspondence with David Starr Jordan

approval of appointment of Dr. Murray 1892 Aug 8; experiments vs lectures; belief in immortality of the soul essential to civilization; golden rule foundation of true humanitarianism 1892 Aug 24; students to pay only actual cost of living; our university to be of high grade; more dormitory space...

17 pages: 88% complete (0% indexed, 100% transcribed, 12% needs review)
Frederick D. Grant

Frederick D. Grant

1885 July 20 on U.S. Grant's book and illness; 1889 March 20 on FG's appointment to Austrian mission; 1889 May 14 on trip to Vienna and reception there; 1891 Oct. 11 on statue of U.S. Grant in Chicago; destruction of European grape vines; 1892 Feb. 24 introduction of Mr. Watawabi (Japanese...

62 pages: 96% complete (0% indexed, 100% transcribed, 3% needs review)
Frederick Law Olmsted

Frederick Law Olmsted

1887, Feb. 11: typed notes re plan of university (not included); not signed but written in Brookline, MA; 1887, April 17: Coolidge and Rutan on their way, would like to begin operations this year, have considered board and lodging question; 1889, July 14: streets, shubbery, possible...

9 pages: 22% complete (0% indexed, 100% transcribed, 78% needs review)
Geological collection listing, offered to University

Geological collection listing, offered to University

Metadata: Available Online: https://purl.stanford.edu/kz484vb9416 Title: Geological collection listing, offered to University Contributor: Stanford, Leland, 1824-1893 (col Collector) Type: Text Type: correspondence Language: eng English Format: correspondence Format: image/tiff Subject:...

3 pages: 0% complete (0% indexed, 100% transcribed, 100% needs review)
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