Correspondence (outgoing)
to J. W. Knox: Electioneer to cover Knox's mare 1886 Jan 25; to RR officials: extend courtesies for Miss A. Lathrop 1886 Feb 9; to Ariel Lathrop (tel): send Miss. Valley Construction Co. stock 1886 July 22; to Pres. Grover Cleveland: support for P. O. in San Francisco 1887 March 3; to J....
Correspondence (outgoing)
to R. Bonner: re horse Sunol 1890 Feb 7; to A. G. Porter: re appointment [photostat copy] 1890 Feb 18; to W. Carr: re appintment 1890 Feb 29; to [B.F.] Tracey: letter of condolence [mss. copy] 1890 March; to W. Blaine: letter of condolence [mss. copy] 1890 March; to Mrs. T. Hopkins (tel): relays...
Correspondence (outgoing)
to "Dear Sister": sends money 1881 Feb 5; to Jane Stanford (telegram) 1881 [no month] 27; to Jane Stanford: arrived safely in New York 1882 June 6; to Jane Stanford: his visit to Albany and her mother's health 1882 June 9; to J.D.B. Stillman: re price of the book 1882 July 26; to J....
Correspondence (outgoing)
to father: arrival at Clinton 1841 May 21; to father: arrival at Clinton; cost of studies and courses 1843 Jan 7; to Charles: his election as president of the Philotenian Society 1843 Jan 29; to Charles: leaves for Cazenovia 1844 Jan 25; to Asa Philip: railroad settlement, Cazenovia girls,...
Correspondence with David Starr Jordan
recommends Dr. Charles of Menlo Park 1892 Jan 1; Dr. Grau and Miss Ames on payroll; mistress of Roble Hall; pleased with address 1892 Jan 1; must exercise own judgment on engaging profs. White, Dudley, Jenks and Angell 1892 Feb 17; payment of professors for outside lectures; steam heat for...
Correspondence with David Starr Jordan
thinks 15 professors enough to open with 1891 Apr 13; decided to name boys dormitory Encina Hall 1891 May 9; approves prospectus; names dormitories for oak trees 1891 May 16; will have accommodations for 80 girls 1891 May 21; thinks 4-5 thousand dollars sufficient to start library 1891 May 26;...
Correspondence with David Starr Jordan
approval of appointment of Dr. Murray 1892 Aug 8; experiments vs lectures; belief in immortality of the soul essential to civilization; golden rule foundation of true humanitarianism 1892 Aug 24; students to pay only actual cost of living; our university to be of high grade; more dormitory space...
Frederick D. Grant
1885 July 20 on U.S. Grant's book and illness; 1889 March 20 on FG's appointment to Austrian mission; 1889 May 14 on trip to Vienna and reception there; 1891 Oct. 11 on statue of U.S. Grant in Chicago; destruction of European grape vines; 1892 Feb. 24 introduction of Mr. Watawabi (Japanese...
Frederick Law Olmsted
1887, Feb. 11: typed notes re plan of university (not included); not signed but written in Brookline, MA; 1887, April 17: Coolidge and Rutan on their way, would like to begin operations this year, have considered board and lodging question; 1889, July 14: streets, shubbery, possible...
Geological collection listing, offered to University
Metadata: Available Online: https://purl.stanford.edu/kz484vb9416 Title: Geological collection listing, offered to University Contributor: Stanford, Leland, 1824-1893 (col Collector) Type: Text Type: correspondence Language: eng English Format: correspondence Format: image/tiff Subject:...