George E. Gray
1868 Sept. 22 (tel) about grading contracts; 1868 Oct. 9 progress of railroad work in Utah; 1868 Oct. 9 (tel) wants bill of lading; 1868 Oct. 11 about grading work in Utah, with copies of communications from Durant and Carter; 1868 Oct. 15 about grading work in Utah; following 2 letters were...
George W. Holley
Holley to Andrew White: 3/17/1885 on construction of lenses for telescopes; Holley to Andrew White: 3/19/1885 would White request Stanford's patronage for his ideas on lense construction; Holley, "Suggestions for Improvement in the Manufacture of Glass," August 1884 Metadata: Available...
Illegible and fragments
3 by same person, 1880-1889, re Stanfords visiting the House of Commons in London and personal matters; 1 fragment, on Capitol Police letterhead, 1892, re gavel made from magnolia tree at Mt.Vernon and presented to Stanford U.; 1 from "S", San Francisco, 6/1/1890 on state politics, mentions...
John M. Schofield
1876 Oct. 8: invites them to visit West Point; 1891 Jan. 12: dinner invitation to meet the President; May ?: regrets but cannot accept invitation from the Stanfords Metadata: Available Online: https://purl.stanford.edu/yn967fq6749 Title: John M. Schofield Contributor: Stanford, Leland,...
Letters of recommendation for women for jobs with S. F. Mint
Metadata: Available Online: https://purl.stanford.edu/sf766pz0714 Title: Letters of recommendation for women for jobs with S. F. Mint Contributor: Stanford, Leland, 1824-1893 (crp Correspondent) Type: Text Type: correspondence Date: 1869-1874 Language: eng English Format:...
Logan family
John A. Logan: 6/8/1886 on reception for GAR members in Sacramento; Cullom, Shelby M.: 12/28/1886 on John A. Logan's funeral; Mrs. John A. Logan: 3/14/1887 personal matters; John A. Logan,Jr: 3/15/1887 thanks for assistance and news of his marriage; [1887]: family ackowledgement of sympathy with...
Louis Parma Di Cesnola
Metadata: Available Online: https://purl.stanford.edu/ph740vq9547 Title: Louis Parma Di Cesnola Contributor: Stanford, Leland, 1824-1893 (crp Correspondent) Contributor: Di Cesnola, Louis Parma (crp Correspondent) Type: Text Type: correspondence Date: 1885 Language: eng English Format:...
Manzanita Water Company
Agreement with Archbishop Patrick W. Riordan to provide water to St. Patrick's Seminary in Menlo Park (photocopy) Metadata: Available Online: https://purl.stanford.edu/gk301vk1407 Title: Manzanita Water Company Contributor: Stanford, Leland, 1824-1893 Contributor: Manzanita Water...
Mark Hopkins
will get all done here that I can but we must rely on Strobridge's forces 1869 Jan 15; will start from Salt Lake tomorrow (telegram) 1869 Jan 21; Commissioners leaving Monday by stage, meet them at Elko 1869 Jan 29; to examine line with Commissioners; I have no pleasure in the thought of...
Mark Hopkins
Brannan stock 1870 May 31; glad Larkin's stock is secured 1870 July 5; telegram 1873 March 25; send $135,000 to C.P.H. (telegram) 1873 March 27; financial instructions (telegram) 1873 Aug 15; look over bills payable and decide what is best (telegram) 1873 Sep 30; have done nothing in that matter...