Leland Stanford Papers


Leland Stanford Papers
Correspondence, telegrams; business, legal, financial, and official papers; speeches, journals, and newsclippings; and other materials relating to the construction of the Central Pacific Railroad, Stanford's political career, business and financial interests, and the founding and construction of Stanford University.


George E. Gray

George E. Gray

1868 Sept. 22 (tel) about grading contracts; 1868 Oct. 9 progress of railroad work in Utah; 1868 Oct. 9 (tel) wants bill of lading; 1868 Oct. 11 about grading work in Utah, with copies of communications from Durant and Carter; 1868 Oct. 15 about grading work in Utah; following 2 letters were...

18 pages: 88% complete (0% indexed, 100% transcribed, 11% needs review)
George W. Holley

George W. Holley

Holley to Andrew White: 3/17/1885 on construction of lenses for telescopes; Holley to Andrew White: 3/19/1885 would White request Stanford's patronage for his ideas on lense construction; Holley, "Suggestions for Improvement in the Manufacture of Glass," August 1884 Metadata: Available...

14 pages: 28% complete (0% indexed, 100% transcribed, 71% needs review)
Illegible and fragments

Illegible and fragments

3 by same person, 1880-1889, re Stanfords visiting the House of Commons in London and personal matters; 1 fragment, on Capitol Police letterhead, 1892, re gavel made from magnolia tree at Mt.Vernon and presented to Stanford U.; 1 from "S", San Francisco, 6/1/1890 on state politics, mentions...

24 pages: 0% complete (0% indexed, 100% transcribed, 100% needs review)
John M. Schofield

John M. Schofield

1876 Oct. 8: invites them to visit West Point; 1891 Jan. 12: dinner invitation to meet the President; May ?: regrets but cannot accept invitation from the Stanfords Metadata: Available Online: https://purl.stanford.edu/yn967fq6749 Title: John M. Schofield Contributor: Stanford, Leland,...

4 pages: 75% complete (0% indexed, 100% transcribed, 25% needs review)
Letters of recommendation for women for jobs with S. F. Mint

Letters of recommendation for women for jobs with S. F. Mint

Metadata: Available Online: https://purl.stanford.edu/sf766pz0714 Title: Letters of recommendation for women for jobs with S. F. Mint Contributor: Stanford, Leland, 1824-1893 (crp Correspondent) Type: Text Type: correspondence Date: 1869-1874 Language: eng English Format:...

4 pages: 75% complete (0% indexed, 100% transcribed, 25% needs review)
Logan family

Logan family

John A. Logan: 6/8/1886 on reception for GAR members in Sacramento; Cullom, Shelby M.: 12/28/1886 on John A. Logan's funeral; Mrs. John A. Logan: 3/14/1887 personal matters; John A. Logan,Jr: 3/15/1887 thanks for assistance and news of his marriage; [1887]: family ackowledgement of sympathy with...

14 pages: 78% complete (0% indexed, 100% transcribed, 21% needs review)
Louis Parma Di Cesnola

Louis Parma Di Cesnola

Metadata: Available Online: https://purl.stanford.edu/ph740vq9547 Title: Louis Parma Di Cesnola Contributor: Stanford, Leland, 1824-1893 (crp Correspondent) Contributor: Di Cesnola, Louis Parma (crp Correspondent) Type: Text Type: correspondence Date: 1885 Language: eng English Format:...

4 pages: 75% complete (0% indexed, 100% transcribed, 25% needs review)
Manzanita Water Company

Manzanita Water Company

Agreement with Archbishop Patrick W. Riordan to provide water to St. Patrick's Seminary in Menlo Park (photocopy) Metadata: Available Online: https://purl.stanford.edu/gk301vk1407 Title: Manzanita Water Company Contributor: Stanford, Leland, 1824-1893 Contributor: Manzanita Water...

5 pages: 80% complete (0% indexed, 100% transcribed, 20% needs review)
Mark Hopkins

Mark Hopkins

will get all done here that I can but we must rely on Strobridge's forces 1869 Jan 15; will start from Salt Lake tomorrow (telegram) 1869 Jan 21; Commissioners leaving Monday by stage, meet them at Elko 1869 Jan 29; to examine line with Commissioners; I have no pleasure in the thought of...

28 pages: 82% complete (0% indexed, 100% transcribed, 18% needs review)
Mark Hopkins

Mark Hopkins

Brannan stock 1870 May 31; glad Larkin's stock is secured 1870 July 5; telegram 1873 March 25; send $135,000 to C.P.H. (telegram) 1873 March 27; financial instructions (telegram) 1873 Aug 15; look over bills payable and decide what is best (telegram) 1873 Sep 30; have done nothing in that matter...

24 pages: 41% complete (0% indexed, 100% transcribed, 58% needs review)
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