Miles Franklin pocket diary, 1915


Daily diary containing brief records of Miles Franklin's activities and events.

See Library catalogue record




March. 1915 Sun. 28 Worked a little in morning. Editha came in afternoon we had dinner at Pkway & then called on Boyntons. One Stewart out of bed. [several indecipherable words crossed out]

̶M̶o̶n̶.̶ ̶2̶9̶ Tues D. made a call. In evening Mr Crump & Lawrence Editha & I went to the Vagabonds & heard a long discussion on Futuristic Art. Demi as wolfish as usual. Cold day - fur coat.

̶T̶u̶e̶s̶.̶ ̶3̶0̶ Wed I met D. in Elevator. He seems to have no savoir faire. Lunch & dinner alone at Hearth. Walked home & went to gym. Feeling v. depressed & tired of everything.

̶W̶e̶d̶.̶ ̶3̶1̶ Mon. V. cold day perishing D. L. called but I was out with Miss Galvin. Dinner with Editha (Monday) at Hearth & walked home & saw [continued on next page]

Last edit about 1 month ago by VixE


1915 April. [continued from previous page] her re-installed at Mulcaheys. Managed to work a little on story

Thur. 1 Went to bank & pottered about. Mrs Robins was in. In evening Miss G. & I took Rose S. to dinner at Lake St Eat Shop & then to "Henrietta" at the Cort. Lillian Carr in.

Fri. 2 Cold day again. D. wrote violent & omnipotent letter because of an April fool joke I played on him Silly ass seems to be defective. Rose & I had dinner at Hearth & I walked home & went to bed. Lovely red tulips from Mrs R.

Sat. 3 Not v. well but went down town. Miss G & I had lunch at Hearth. I worked v. well & went home [at?] 3 & had a sleep. Got up & worked some. Had some milk in room for supper.

Last edit over 2 years ago by VixE


April. 1915 Sun. 4 Lillian Carr came and she, Editha and I had dinner at Pkway. Sat talking till 3.45. Walked a little and I came home Wore my new check suit & little black hat. Infernal sparrows torturing me

Mon. 5 Got down at 9.30. Went to Saul's with charter. Arnold Dresden came & I took him to lunch at Dom. Science Walked home alone dead exhausted. Mild day Wore suit without coat.

Tues. 6 Worked in office. Dinner at Hearth with Miss Galvin & Miss Phelps & walked home. Cold raw wind. Pottered a bit & went to bed exhausted. Got some poisoned wheat for sparrows.

Wed. 7 Lunch with Miss G at Hearth. Mrs Robins came in during afternoon. Dinner at Hearth alone & walked home so exhausted I was sick. Went to [continued on next page]

Last edit over 2 years ago by Barbie2


1915 April. [continued from previous page] gym. Home & to bed. Infernal sparrows & they wont take wheat.

Thurs 8. Warm spring day. Lunch at Ursula with Mary A & Miss G. Dinner at Hearth with E.P. & Miss H & walked home v. tired.

Fri. 9 At office singing lesson at 1.30. Dinner early at Hearth at Went to League Benefit "Too Many Cooks" at Princess & sat in box with Agnes Saw my beloved Ethel Mason. Warm wore new spring turn out walked home with Rose S.

Sat. 10 Went to hear Dr Favill et al speak at 8 hour hearing Then my beloved Ethel came & we had lunch at C.S.L Pirie's. Took Rose S. to reception at Pischels Then dinner at Pkway & R. took me to see Elsie Ferguson in the "Outcast"

Last edit over 2 years ago by Barbie2


April 1915 Sun. 11 Stayed in bed till time to go to League Meeting at 4. E. Phelps & I went from there to Art Institute to supper & to concert in Fullerton Hall. Walked home.

Mon. 12 Got down at 10.15 delayed by bad head. Went to bank etc & put Leonora O.R's credentials on Penn. Limited. Dinner at Hearth alone & walked home. V. cold. Unprofitable day.

Tues 13 Got down late. Met Editha at dinner at Hearth & went to Vagabonds. A nauseous fellow named Grant made offensive the subject " Sex in Art".

Wed 14 Lunch with Olive at Garden Inn. Pottered unprofitable day. Supper with Miss Galvin at Hearth walked home practised & went [continued on next page]

Last edit over 2 years ago by Barbie2
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