Volume 4: 1869-1871



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Sun 13 ) The morning is a little cloudy Wind N. W. & cold My General health is some better My cold is broke I think Self ) I am some better tho I have been verry weak & feeble My hands have been so palsyed that I have been verry much troubled Bo in puttinf on and off my cloathes. I can do but little good in sorting and regulating papers or finding & hunting out Do amy papers or turning over the leaves of a book My hands are almost useless in many things. I have wore Gloves continually for 5 or 6 months & can write with them on which Hands ) I am now doing. I have rubed my hands tonight with Flag's Flag's ( relief ) Relief I will try it for a few days I have not much opinion of it, but I aught to do something

1870 ) The morning in verry cloudy high Wind South Warm Feby ( Mon 14 ) William is verry bad off with cough and cold his lungs appears to be much effected, can't talk above a whisper. It Rain has been sprinkling rain all morning until near 12 oclock & still looks like rain Jo is righting up the fences I went to Town after dinner bot 2 Coffee Sacks to make back bands cost .50 cents Mrs. Guest ) A good many people in Town Mrs. Polly Guest died yesterday Dyed. ) in Town She in the Mother of M. J. Guest Flour ) Willa J. sent home a bag of Flour by Rich I must stop this some way. I don't think it is treating us respectfully

Last edit about 4 years ago by DrWatson
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The morning is dark & cloudy & sprinkling rain WInd W. & N. W. It has rained mostly all night there was much thunder & lightning & some Wind during the night lasted during the night until near morning I rested badly, cough was verry troublesom all night. Wm is no better this morning complains verry much of his breast & throat he can't meet with the other candidates today at Poplar Top. Lorra is complaining theis morning also My son Thomas came this morning on his rode to B. B. ) William concluded that he would go with hin & they went on to the meeting at Poplar Top today. Williams should not have went, he is quite unwell and the day is verry damp muddy & looks like rain I fear it will make him worse Hamon came back last night I thought he would not come back so soon, as I think he was insulted last Saturday ) See entry Sat.) It Cleared off in the evening % turned quite cool ( I have Maled a letter to M. O. Keep & Son & Co. Inclosed one dollar for a package of Lettice seed to Rochester, N. Y. (See Turf Field & Farm Sept 17, 1869) Inclosed $1.00

The morning is clear & cool Wind West William Has been verry unwell did not git home last night he goes today Hampshire with the other candidates.

Last edit almost 4 years ago by EStraight
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)There is a good many people in town

Silver Mounted Rifle Gun I got my old Silver mounted rifle gun home, it has been in the hands of Rufis Patons, I got it at Adcocks gun smith shop in Town, it is in good fix. I think it has been good care taken of it. Payton left it there for me, & he is gone to Arkansas.

Thurs. 17 The morning is cloudy high Wind S.

William 2 Dist William did not git home last night he meets the candidates at White & Morgan store ( Askew's old store) now 2 District.

Richd 1 day Work Rales 1 day Jo & Richard has the 2 wagons & teams halling the new rails to make the fence across the Grass (Spring) lott. It comRain menced rain slowly at one oclock & they quit halling rails Jo & Rich halled 5 loads before dinner & two after dinner making in all 14 loads 30 rails each load making 420 rales Commenced snowing at night

Fri 18 The morning is verry cold ground covered in Snow high wind North Coldest day yet.

Wm Williams Port Dist 14 Wm did not git home William meets at Williams Port today William got home in the evening seems unwell did not go to the meeting today. This is verry cold everything is froze up I put Smoke in our smoke house 1st time this season. Richd Richd took Georges Bale of Cotton to Town & brought home the Oats Seed

1870 Feby Sat 19 The moning is a little cloudy high Wind S.W. & cold.

Wm is at home bad cough & cold Not going to the gathering

Last edit almost 4 years ago by KyRayne
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George H. )today at Williams Port.· - Cotton ( Settlement ) George H. Took his bale of Cotton to Town & sold it for - - - - - - - - - - $93.15 George H. ) Cost of Hailing & Hope





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Last edit almost 4 years ago by shanaeemb
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Mon 21 ) The morning is clear calm & verry cold Ground froze. N. Jo sick 111) Jo is still sick & Richard is feeding William went to Town 3) William ) this morning quite unwell Spitting blood (Some) William come home eat his supper & went to bead Complains verry much of his back & breast --------------------- 1870 ) The morning is cloudy cold & Snowing. E. & N. E. Ground Feby ( Tu 22 ) froze terable bad weather indeed Snow ( Wm Rock S. ) William left early for Rock Spring the 24 District, the 24 Dist. ( Wm meeting is there today his health is verry bad. I fear this Rain weather will be verry bad on him. Rain & Snow) It has rained all day Sometimes it snows & then rains hard Cold ) sometimes the ground is covered with Snow & in a few minnits the heavy rains melts it This has been a terable disagreeable day all the day & verry cold 10 oclock at night & raining Jo sick 1111 ) 4 ) verry constant. Jo is sick Bile ------------------------ Wed 23 ) The morning is dark & cloudy Wind S. W. Wm meets at ) William did not git home last night he will meet at Ralley 25 Dist ( Raly Hill ) Hill 25 Dist today Turning cold Wind N. W. looks like Jo sick ( 11111 5 ) bad weather Just ahead I stayed in doores all day. Jo sick bile on his side took Sals ------------------------ Th 24 ) The morning is clear calm & cold Frost Ground froze N. Wm William did not git home last night The candidates meets meets at ) Keedron ( today at Keedron (Kincades) the 23 Dist. 23 Dist )

Last edit almost 4 years ago by mcmattson
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