Early modern recipe books

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Wellcome Collection: English Recipe Book, 18th century (MS6956)

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then take ym up both boyling & let ym stand together, till they be cold then put ym into a pot, this is a good way to doe Lemons also,

Last edit over 2 years ago by sfemet
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To cause sleep in a feaver

Take a quart of Clarret Wine 2 pound of Cherr= -ies, Nutmeggs & Cinnamon of each a little a top or two of Rosemary & bame still these in a cold still & wn you use this watE mingle wth it a little sirrup of gillyflowres you may give this to a woman yt lyeth in

To PEserve Pippens in slices

Take yr greenest Lemon yt you can gett & pare the greene of it very thin in little pieces & putt ym into watE & change it often to take away ye bitterness of it ym take six Pippins & paire ym & cutt ym in small pieces & boyle ym wth a little watE until they be soft as pap yn strain ye juice from ym into a dish yn take some of ye greenest Pippens yt you can gett paire ym something thick ypr slice ym til ye come to ye core always picking out ye core as you see any in ye slices making as little whole as you can in ym put ye slices in faire watE as you slice ym to keep ye couler but before you slice ym weight youE pippens weight for weight wth SugE yn take yoESugE

Last edit over 2 years ago by sfemet
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& dip every piece into a basen of fare watE & put it into a skillet & dissolve it into a Syrrup yn put into youE skillet some of ye Pippen watE yn boyle it & scum it yn put in yoE slices of Pippens and yoE Lemon picle & lett it boyle quick & you must turn ym often & lett ym boyle until they be cleare & begin to jelly upon a plate you may put if you please into ye boyling half a grain of AmbE Greese & half a grain of Musk typed up in a little tiffynie bagg this is a very curious sweet= =meat you may put it up in Glasses or gallepotts for yoE use.

Last edit over 2 years ago by sfemet
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To Preserve Rasberies

Take of yoE fairest & best coloured Rasberies & pick the stalks of from them very cleane then wash them but bruise them not then weigh them, & to once pound of Rasberies you must take 6 Ounc =es of loafe SugE & 6 ounces of SugE candy clari= =fie it wth halfe a pint of faire water & 4 ounces of juyce of Rasberies boyles to a weak Syrrup & then putt in yoE Rasberies stirring them up & don? & so lett them boyle till they be enough & so you may keepe them all yeare longe

To PEserve Pyppens white

Take faire large Pyppens after Christmas pare them & bore a hole through them as you did for yoE red ones then make a weake sirrup for them & so lett them boyle till they be tender then take them up & boyle up ye sirrup a little higher, then putt them in a gally poot & let them stand all

Last edit over 2 years ago by sfemet
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night, the next morning the sirrup will be something weaker then boyle boyl the sirrup again to its full thickness & you may keep them all year, if you please to have them taste a pleasant taste more then a naturall pipen putt in one grain of muske & one drop of Symical oyle of cinnamon & that will make ym taste a more pleasant taste

A Receipt f: the Dropsiottsett(?)

Take a quartE of a Peck of the Jnnor Rinf of ye EldoE Stick in (?) afternoon, putt yo stick about yo longth of a (???) =knife. Scrape ye brown barke off, & strip ye Green off yr putt ym between two Earthen pans all night, yn next morning take: 1: Ounce of ye best Ruebarb sliced thin, & 1: Ounce of Race GingE scrap'd & bruis'd; that it may hang together by ye Strings, scrape & slice a little Horse Radish roots; & a little soote of Eliea[m?]peina scrap'd ^ slicd. then take :1: Gallon of [?????] Strong

Last edit over 2 years ago by sfemet
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To make a maron pudin

Lay puff past round the brim of you dish then slice half a pound of napels bisket and lay it upon the bottame of you dish then lay on that the marrow of 2 bones and on that candid orring and lemon and cittern of each halfe an ounce a qurter of a pound of raisons and soe many currence then bete 12 egs with a littil sack sugar salt cloves mace and cinement put a quart of cremem mix it will to gether and put it in you dish and bake it

To make a rise flurrendine

boyle half a pound of rise very tender and when it is cold put to it half a pound of suet a pound of currants a little sack & rosewatE sason it with cloves mace Cinnament salt & Sugar a pen= =ny loafe grated 8 eggs half a pint of Creame Candie Oringe peele Lemon & Siturn of each half an ounce then lay a little thin paist in the bottom of the dish & mix it together & put it in yoE dish & cover it

Last edit over 2 years ago by sfemet
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To Make a Rishch Cake

Take 6 pd of flower, 6 pd of Currents, 5 pd of Reasons stoned & cut smalle, half a pd of Dates, some Oirnge peele & Sifforne, sliced Nutmeg, Mace, Cinnamon, Ginger Ambergreese to yoE taste, 6 spoonfulls of Sack, & as much of rose watE 2 pd & half of buttE, one pint of thick creame, a good quarte of Ale Eeste, 10 eggs 3 whites, mix yoE spices, & three quarters of a pd Sugar, well beaten & dried, a little salt into yoE flower when it is well dried, then put yoE Eeste & eggs well beaten & yoE Creame being made a litt= =le hotter then milk from yee Cow, in which you must melt yoe buttE, then mingle all these togeth= =er, put yoE flower in a deep [?????] milk pan, & make a great whole in ye middle in which pour ye Liquids, & throw a handful of flow= =er over thm cover up yoE pan, & set it nigh ye fire to rise, mold in yoE Currants,

Last edit over 2 years ago by sfemet
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and 43

How to make inyce of Liquorish

Take half a pound of fine beaten Liquorish 12 hand fulls of hysope 2 handfulls of Rosemary flowers or topps ??? 8 hanfulls of colts foote leaves stampe all these har= =bes and straine them then mingle them together with the lycorish and half a pinte of distilled water of (?)sope letting them boile upon a soft fire half an houere and then strain it a gaine then put halfe a pound of red sugar candy setting on a on a very soft fire till it comes to be very thick and comes from the skilletts bottome like a hasty pudding then take fine sugar and st stroue it thick upon a pye plate and in ye fine sugar mould your cakes puting them in a glass all the su?mer

Last edit over 2 years ago by sfemet
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To make a cleare paiste of Quinces

Take ye Cores & Cornells of Quinces & boyle ym in faire watE till ye Liquor Jelly, & then take as much SugE as ye Liquor waighs & you must let yoE SugE boyle as you do fE yoE other paiste but not altogether so high then must you take yoE Liquor, & put into yoE sirrup, & stire it well togethE & put it into yoE Glasses & then store it & in a forthnight it will be fE yoE turne

To Preserve Ripe Apricoks

Take yoE Apricoks & pare ym very thin & you must take as much SugE as Apricoks, & beat yoE SugE very small, & set yoE Apricoks one by one & strowe some SugE upon & under ym untill ye SugE be melted then boyle ym untill they be tender & ye Sirup Jelly, but put no watE in

Last edit over 2 years ago by sfemet
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To Preserve Pippens Greene Take Pippens when they be small, & greene, on ye Trees & pare 3 or 4 of ym, & cut ym in pieces then boyle ym in a quart of fair wate, till they be pap, then let ye Liquor come from ym as you doe for yoe Quidina into a Bason take a pd of Suger clarified put as many greene pippens unpared as ye Liquor will cover, & soe lett ym boyle softly & when you see they bee boyled as tender as a Quodlin then take ym up & peele ym & then yoe pipen will be greene then boyle in yoe Sirrup againe till yoe Sirrop be thick, & see you may keepe ym all ye year.

For a Straine take Stone horse dunge and brooke lime shred smal and a littel mutte suet shred your suet and put them all together in a frying pan and fry it and lay it to the place as hott as you can

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