(seq. 86)
Fainting or Syncope
Aq. hung. Volat. Spts. Vinum Acetum applied to the Noses is good Aq. Frigid. thrown on the Face is good. a Draught of Wine is proper in grevious Fainting Fitts Rx. Spts. Sal. Ammon apply to the Noses Temples and Pulse with Strong Frictions Rx Volat. Spt gut. 45 aq. Cinnam. Orange Flower water aa q. s. pro Internal Medicine When the Patient is Hystericy apply nothing but Fettid things to the Nose Such as Castor Asa Fetid. burnt Partridge's Feathers Leather or Horn &c. When hemorrhages is the Cause Stop the Blood as soon as Possible and give Broths Milk Emulsions Jellies Spiritous Liquors Wine &c untill he is Recovered.
(seq. 87)
Falling Sickness or Epilepsy in Adults
This is a particular or universal Covulsion attended with a Deprivation of the senses Diag. The patient sometimes falls down and sometimes stands Errect according as the Muscles are Contracted They Froth at the Mouth Gnash their teeth Sometimes there is an Involuntary Emetion of the Semen Urine & Excrement Lastly they are entirely ignorant of all that passed in the time of the Fitt. Women have these fits about the time of their Menstrum Cure if the pat. is plethoric bleed Rx. Rad. Valerin. Sylvest. pulv. dr. ij Cinab. Nat. Opt trit. oz. ij. m. f. pulv. mane & Vesperi sumend. If Violent Pain is the cause then Give Enema of Ol. Amygd. d. & the Anti Epileptic Medicines Cinnab. Antimo. Gr jv - s. j in Cons. Rosemary flowers is a Celebrated Medicine. If the Disease is inveterate give the following Pills Rx. Cast. Gm. Ammon. ad Gr viij. Rad. Valer. Sylv s. ss Sal. Tart. Gr. vij. Tinct. Cast. q. s. Massa Pillularis pro una dosi. [?]. V. j. P. 281. on the 7 Day give a Cathartic.
Discuse them if possible by hot hot Lye Ung. polycch. Nicotian. Decoct. Rad Broom Rape applied hot &c If they must be brought to suppuration apply a poltice of Roasted Portatoes or Roasted Sorrel When 'tis known that the patient has really got a Fellon 'tis best to open the part and apply Limint. Arcei. Melliot. Precipitate Rub. & the like [?].
(seq. 88)
Febrile Infection
A Febrile Infection is a Communication of all kinds of Fevers from one Person to another.
The ways of Communicating Fevers are too many to be here enumerated The Symptoms in general are Shiverings Vomitings Violent Head Achs &c Cure The Patient Should take a Vomit immediately and Blisters should be applied. When there is a plethora Bleed. If the Patient is Costive An Enema should be Injected. After the Opperation of the Emetic & Enema the patient should be put to bed and a Sweating and Quieting Draught should be given with Sal. C. C. gr. vj. and Tinct. Thebaic gut 18. qm. Camph. gr. v. give this every 4th Hour with Draught of Vinegar Whey.
N. B. A Fever may be broken By a Vomit if 'tis taken in Season.
(seq. 89)
Fevers in General
Pulse Frequent) A Fever may be called an universal Disease because it Disturbs the whole Nervous System. and prevents all the Functions of the Body; insomuch that the Motion of the Heart, Arteries and Solids cease to be equal and Just. the Circulation of the Blood and other Fluids to be free and Natural. and the Salutary Secretions and Excretions to be regular; even the mind its Self, when Ruffled by the febrile onset, is affected with a Delirium.
(seq. 90)
Fever Billious
This is a kind of a Burning Fever. It begins with Intense Heat Thirst and Anguish with Inquietude. There is likewise a Vomiting, or a perpetual Reaching to Vomit with Frequent Billious Stools, a Coldness of the Extremities, internal heat, and Cardialgia with Anxiety
Bleed then give an Emetic Ipeca. cum Tart. Emetic. If the Body should Remain Costive Open it with a Laxative To bring the Fever to regular Intermissions give the Saline Julep. Give some Doses of the Diaphoretic Julep if the Patient dont sweat
When the Urine breaks give the Febrifuge Elect. of the Bark but if the patient was not purged ad Rhei to the Feb. Elect. and keep the body open two or three Days
When the head is affected with Pains, and there is a Delirium and the Pulse is small apply Leeches to the temples and Blisters to other parts give nothing but gentle laxatives to make Evacuations Rx. pulv. Rad. Cont. C. s. j. Nit. gr. 10. Camph gr ij. or iij M. f. pulv. to be repeated every 6th hour. If the Pulse sink give Bolus Alexipharmicus. f. Brooks Practice If ye Body swells purge with Rhei & Calomel. Dr Shattock