The Domesday Book Of Queen's University (Volume 1) 1839-1900 p.249-1193

The Domesday Book of Queen's University was established by Queen's Trustees in 1887, at the suggestion of Chancellor Sanford Fleming, to record the names of the university's benefactors and the main events in its history, which were to be written into the book every year. The book was kept up to date by Professor James Williamson and his successors, Librarian Lois Saunders and Professor Malcolm MacGillivray, until 1924, by which time the innovation of annual Principal's Reports (begun in 1916) rendered it unnecessary. The book takes its name from the original Domesday Book, a survey of England taken by William the Conqueror in 1086. The items to be described are the two handwritten volumes of the Book.


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effect. None of the Presbyteries, almost all of the Congregations of which have considerable exertions to make to meet the demands connected with their own place of worship, and to provide for the maintenance of religious ordinances among themselves, and that in a country which is yet comparatively poor in pecuniary means, can be expected to found Bursaries. So far from this being to be looked for, the whole amount of the annual contributions from all the congregations of the Synod for the Minister's Widows' and Orphan's fund, a scheme which may reasonably be supposed to call forth the sympathy and liberality of the people in a high degree, has never amounted to £ 200, a sum which would only found one Bursary of £ 12 per annum. Each Presbytery however might annually grant a bursary of £ 10. The Board may mention in connection with the subject, that the Synod, at its last meeting, appointed the support of Queen's College to be one of the permanent schemes of the Church, in aid of which collections should be an-


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nually made in all the congregations belonging to the Synod. But these collections are in aid of the general funds of the College, and for enabling it to meet the necessary expenditure required for efficently conducting its general operations; And the Board would, therefore, again beg leave to bring the importance of the subject of Bursaries before the notice of the Committee."

"The Board are happy also to inform the Colonial Committee that the College School continues to prosper, and is in a high state of efficiency under the able superintendence of Mr. Campbell, the Head Master, aided by the assistants. The whole number of those in attendance in the School during the year ending 21st October last was 79. Owing to a number entering the University, the attendance at present amounts to only 54 but an increase is expected. Of these a very considerable number have it in view to study for the learned professions. The whole number at present attending the College and the College School is 95.

During the last year Professor


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Romanes returned to Scotland and the Revd John Malcolm Smith, of Galt, was unanimously appointed his successor in the chair of Classical Literature."

"The Revd Dr. Machar has been appointed Principal and Primarius Professor of Divinity and the Revd Messrs Urquhart and George, Professors of Theology. Mr. George has already given his attendance this Session for the requisite period, and is now succeeded by Professor Urquhart, whie the Revd Principal Machar, besides his general and efficient superintendence of the studies of the Theological Students, continues his Hebrew Classes throughout the Session."

"The Bible Class for the general religious instructions of the students, taught by the Professors, which has instituted Session before last, is regularly continued, and cannot fail, by the blessing of God, to be attended with the most beneficial results."

"In closing this communication, the Board have only to state to the Com-


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mittee, that this promises to be the most prosperous Session since the commencement of the College, and that its condition and prospects are such as must strongly recommend it to that wise and liberal support which has been granted to it by the Committee in order that it may be the means of rearing up young men for the work of the Ministry, and maintain that place of usefulness among the educational Institutions of the Province which it has attained, and which a College in connexion with our Church ought to endeavour to hold."

Professors Williamson and Smith having intimated their intention to visit Great Britain during the Summer Vacation, and expressed their readiness to recieve instructions from the Board relative to any business to be transacted. On behalf of the Institution, the Board of Trustees resolved to furnish them with a letter authorizing them, or either of them, to procure subscriptions and donations in aid of a fund towards the erection of College Buildings.


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On 16th, May Principal Machar intimated his desire that Thirty Pounds out of the sum appropriated for his salary should be applied in aid of the funds of the College, and recieved the cordial thanks of the Board for this generous donation.

On 19th July the Principal submitted a communication from the Provinial Secretary of date the 11th insts, requesting a return of the affairs of Queen's College from 1st August 1848 to 1st July 1851. The Principal also submitted for the consideration of the Board the Draft of a reply to the Secretary's Communication, which was read and approved of, and he was requested to communicate with the Provincial Secretary in the following terms:

"Queen's College, Kingston, 19th July 1851."


"Having this day submitted your communication of 11th Inst. to the Board of Trustees of this Institution I am requested, in reply


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Displaying pages 11 - 15 of 945 in total