City of Seattle Records

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550 JOURNAL OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE Aug 3 1888 Be it remembered that on this 3rd day of August A.D. 1888 the Common Council of the City of Seattle meets in its Council chamber pursuant to law. The following officers are present, to wit: His Honor the Mayor Robert Moran & Councilmen J F. Burns D. E. Durie, Jos. Green, T. E. Jones, J. F. McDonald U. R. Niesz & C. F. Reitzie. The following proceedings are had. to wit: On motion of Councilman Durie the order of business is suspended for the purpose of electing a Councilman for the Fourth ward to fill the vacancy caused by the election of Councilman Moran to the Mayoralty, and other officers. Councilman Jones nominates James McCombs for Councilman from the Fourth Ward and no other nominations being made, the Clerk is directed to cast the ballott of the Council for said McCombs and the said James McCombs is declared elected a councilman from the Fourth Ward, whereupon the said McCombs having taken the official oath takes his seat in the Council. His Honor, the Mayor, now submits to the Council his suggestions concerning future legislation, The Council now proceeds to elect officers for the ensuing year with the following result, viz: City Clerk W. R. Forrest City Treasurer Street Commissioner Laurence Cummings City Surveyor J. G. Scurry Health Officer Dr Eames Harbor Master Capt Sam'l. A Hoyt City Jailor & Janitor James Bogart Sexton O. C. Shorey

Last edit over 3 years ago by StephanieJoWebb


552 JOURNAL OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE Aug 3 1888 Fire} and} D E Durie Chairman Thomas E Jones and C F Reitze Water Supply}

Street Lights} James McCombs Chairman U R Niesz and Joseph Green

License} and} D E Durie Chairman C F Reitze and James McCombs Revenue}

Harbor} and} U R Niesz Chairman J F McDonald and F J Burns Wharves}

Sewers} and} James McDonald Chairman F J BUrns and C F Reitze Drainage} The Council now takes a recess for half an hour. After recess the City Attorney states to the Council that the vote hitherto taken for City Treasurer by which F E Sander had been declared elected was irregular. No candidiate having received a majority of the votes if the Council the vote having stood four for Sander, three for Parker and one for Wald. On motion of the councilman Reitze the vote for City Treasurer is ordered reconsidered by the following vote, viz: in favor of said motion Burns, Durie, Jones, McCombs, Niesz & Reitze. Against the same none. The Council now proceeds to elect a City Treasurer with the following result F E Sander four (4) votes. Isaac Parker four votes

Last edit over 3 years ago by StephanieJoWebb


562 JOURNAL OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE Aug 3 1888 Vine Street Improvement Fund Ord #909 P & J M Quigley 1684 to 1686 2634.98 July Estimate Albro Gardner 1687 52.16 Surveyor's Fees Tenth Street Improvement Fund Ord #944 P & J M Quigley 1688 to 1692 974.91 July Estimate Albro Gardner 1693 15.83 Surveyor's Fees Wall Street Improvement Fund Ord #94[8] P & J M Quigley 1684 to 1686 829.78 July Estimate Albro Gardner 1687 28.64 Surveyor's Fees Licenses Referred M Garrett, Wm Deitchler, Mary McCarty, Thorndike & Co Licenses Orderd Issued. Harms & Dickman, Huey & Moon, Seelbach & Smith, John Johnson and Adolph Schander. The vote upon which said licenses are irdered issues is a follows, to wit-: In favor of same Burns, Durie, Green, Jones, McCombs, McDonald, Niesz & Reitze against the same none. Depot Street Assessment Roll Pursuant to law and published notice the Council now proceeds to examine and equalize the assessment roll of the Assessment dictrict established by Ordinance No 928, entitled "An Ordinance to widen extend and establish Depot Street in the city of Seattle and to provide for the condemnation of real estate necessary therefor" and on one appearing to contest the same and no objection being made thereto it is ordered that the said roll be and the same is hereby approved. Tax Levy on Fifth Street & Bell Street Ordered that a tax of two hundred seventy four and 3/4 (274&3/4) mills on each and every dollar of the assessed valuation of all the property included within the assessment district created by Ordinance No 905 be and the same hereby is levied on siad property for the purpose of paying for the improvement of Fifth

Last edit over 3 years ago by StephanieJoWebb


563 COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEATTLE Aug 3 1888 street in the City of Seattle from Depot Street to Union Street Bell Street Ordered that a tax of four hundred and ninety eight (498) mills on each and every dollar of the assessed valuation of all the property included within the assessment district created by Ordinance No 917 be and the same hereby is levied on siad property for the purpose of paying for the improvement of Bell Street in the City of Seattle from fifth Street to Seventh Street. Ordinances 978 An Ordinance is submitted by the City Attorney entitled "An Ordinance to provide for the issuance of bonds by the City of Seattle payable out of Street Improvement funds, in payment for street improvements and for the transfer of moneys received from licenses from the general fund to Street Improvement funds for the payment if interest on such bonds and for the re-imbursing of the general funds from such street improvement funds" which is passed by the following vote viz: In favor of the same Burns, Durie, Jones, McCombs, McDonald, Niesz & Rietze. Against the same none. 979 An Ordinance is submitted by the City Clerk entitled "A Special Ordinance appropriating money to pay audited bills" which is passed by the following vote viz: In favor of the same Burns, Durie, Jones, McCombs, McDonald, Niesz & Rietze. Against the same none. Seventh Street grade Orderd that the City Attorney notify the bondsmen of the contractor on Seventh Street from Madison to Battery Street to complete the grading of said street at once. Miscellaneous Ordered that U R Niesz be appointed a Committee of one and he is hereby appointed a Committee on one to prepare form for bonds authorized to be

Last edit over 3 years ago by StephanieJoWebb


564 JOURNAL OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE Aug 3 1888 issued in payment for street Improvements. Plat of Wirth's Addition Approved Ordered that the Plat of Wirth's Addition to the City of Seattle be, and the same hereby is approved. Ordered that the Council do now adjourn. Approved Robert Moran mayor Attest W R Forrest Clerk Aug 6 1888 Seattle W T Aug 8th 1888 Council met at 3 o'clock PM on this day at their Council Room Pursuant to the call of the Mayor. The following Officers are present, to wit: Mayor Robt Moran & Councilmen Burns, Durie, Green, JOnes, McDonald & Niesz the Mayor states that the meeting was called for the purpose of discussisng the best means to provide for the payment for street improvement work, and after a full discussion of the subject the City Attorney is directed to prepare and submit an Ordinance to the Council at its next regular meeting. Ordered that the Council do now adjourn. Approved Robert Moran mayor Attest W R Forrest clerk

Last edit over 3 years ago by StephanieJoWebb
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