Tuesday March 19th 1850 Began with strong wind from NW and thick weather Ship under Double Reefed Top sails steering to the N East at 4 PM the Land in sight wore ship middle and Last parts had strong gales and thick weather steer each way by the wind nothing in sight but water and sea fouls [FOWLS] the Day Ends In Latitud[E] 48..10 Longitude 66..50
Opened Flour & oped [OPENED] Molasses
Tuesday [WEDNESDAY] 20th Began with A gale from N West and Rain Ship under Double Reefed Top sails and Courses steering to the S West at 3 PM the wind shifted suddenly to S West wore Ship Last part had some heavy squal[L]s split Main and Mizen [MIZZEN] Top sails and Jib Onbent [UNBENT?] them and Bent Others In Latitude 48..02 Longitude 77..30
Thursday 21st Commenced with a heavy gale from SW and verry [VERY] squally ship under a Clost [CLOSE] Reefed Main Top sail heading WNW all hands employed Bending sails last part had fair weather set all sail steering NW Braked [BROKE] out the Main Hatch for water Butter In Latitude 47..40 Longitude 77..40
Friday 22ond Throughout these 24 hours had strong wind from Nth [NORTH] and verry [VERY] Squally steer to the westward employed Mending sails no Obs [OBSERVATION] supposed Latitude 47..20 Longitude 78..20
Saturday 23th [RD] March 1850 Commenced with Strong wind from NNW and thick fog ship under Double Reefed Top sails steering to the SW at Midnight the wind shifted Suddenly to West wore Ship Last part had tolerable fair weather set all sail so ends In Latitude 47..06 Longitude 79..40
Sunday Sunday 24th Commenced with light wind from W and fair weather Ship under all Sail heedding [HEADING] NNEast Middle and Last parts had strong wind WNW and fog steering North so ends Latitude by Obs [OBSERVATION]45..27 Long [LONGITUDE] 78..40
Monday 25th Throughout this Day had strong wind from West and some Rain ship under all sail steering N by East nothing of consequence Occured [OCCURRED] Onboard no Observations supposed Lat [LATITUDE] 43..30 Longitude 78..00
Tuesday 26th Throughout these 24 hours had pleasa[NT] weather and strong wind from W and W[??] Ship under all sail steering Nort[H] People variously Employed in the watches saw spout supposed to bee [BE] a finback In Latitude 41..00 Longitude 77..30
Wednesday March 27th 1850 Commenced with pleasant weather and and a fresh breeze from SW at 2 PM Squared yards and steered off NNE two vessels in sight boath [BOTH] steering the same way Last part had Light wind from N East Steering NNW by the wind watch employed Mending A Jib nothing in sight but water so Ends In Latitude 39..48 Longitude 77..00
Thursday 28th Commenced with fresh wind from Nth [NORTH] and Dark weather steering to the N West at 4 PM tacked Ship about 5 raised Sperm whales and chased without success Last part wind NNW and thick fog nothing in sight so ends in Latitude 39.. Longitude 75..16
Friday 29th The Day Began with fresh wind NW and thick fog and Continued the same Throughout Carry all sail steer Each way supposed Latitude 38..06 Longitude 37..50 [77..50?]
Saturday 30th Began with light winds from NW and thick fog and Continued the same Throughout Carying [CARRYING] all sail steer Each way supposed Latitude 38..06 Longitude 37..50 / 75 56
Sunday March 31st 1850 Throughout this Day had plesant [PLEASANT] and light wind SSW first part steered a Land Course at 6 PM near the Enterence [ENTRANCE] to Talcahuano Harbor shortened sail and Lay half the night each way saw a Ship standing off Shore [OFFSHORE] at Dayligh[T] about 6 miles from the Land set all sail and work in as fast as possible nothing more occured [OCCURRED] so ends all well
Monday April 1st 1850 Commenced with pleasant weather and a fine Beateing [BEATING?] at 3 O[']clock got up and anchored about a mile and a half from the Town Last part had fair weather sent 5 Barrels of Cask[S] On Shore to be filled with water
Tuesday 2ond Throughout theese [THESE] 24 hours had plesant [PLEASANT] weather take [TOOK] Onboard 85 Barrels of water and stow it Below the Captain and Seccand [SECOND] Mate On Shore
Wednesday 3thd Had plesant [PLEASANT] weather throughout take [TOOK] Onboard 150 Bushels of Potatoes and severel [SEVERAL] Baskets of Frute [FRUIT] and one quawter [QUARTER] of Beef and got the Ship ready for Sea
Thursday April 4th 1850 Commenced with fair weather and a light breeze from NNW Ship at anchor and Capt [CATAIN] On shore at Noon he sent word off to have the Ship get under weigh at 1 O[']clock all hand was [HANDS WERE] called for that purpass [PURPOSE] thay [THEY] all readily came up but John Portuguese he said repeatedly that he should not do any more duty Onboard and the Ship could not go to sea until he had a Liberty on shor[E] which was not allowed any one he also said that he did not care for the Captain on the voyage and would fight untill [UNTIL] he died before he would do any more Labour [LABOR] Onboard when the Captain came Onboard he asked him why he was not at work his answer was I shal[L] not do any more work won[']t you said the Capt [CAPTAIN] th[?] walk along aft and tell my [ME] what is the reason you won[']t work he said he must have Liberty Onshore or he would not work he was then put in the Rigging and took 3 dozen by the Capt [CAPTAIN] before the Crew after which he thought best [RE]turn to his duty and was cut down and sent forward at 6 PM thick fog anchored in 20 fathoms water about 6 Miles from the Town Last part had tolerable fair weather wind North and rather light took our Anchor and commenced working out A Brig in company bound to Calafornia [CALIFORNIA]
[Thursd CROSSED OUT] Friday 5th Throughout this day had Light baffling wind and thick weather work out of the Harbor and onbend [UNBEND?] the Cables and stow the anchors so ends about 30 miles from the mout[H] of the harbor