Log of the bark Timor, 1849-1852



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Saturday December 8th 1849 -- First part of this day had light wind from South and fair weather 5 Ships In sight all steering to the eastward Middle and latter parts had rather more wind from the same way So ends all well Lat by Obs [LATITUDE BY OBSSRVATION] 31..12 Long [LONGITUDE]

Sunday 9th Began with fair weather and light wind from SW Ship by the wind to the SE ward [SOUTHEASTWARD] one sail in sight steering the same way Middle and latter parts had about the same weather saw severel [SEVERAL] ships steering diferent [DIFFERENT] Compses [COMPASSES] the day being the sabbath done Onboard So ends In Lat [LATITUDE] 30..32 Long [LONGITUDE] 32..00

Monday 10th The day began with strong wind from South had plesant [PLEASANT] weather Ship under all sail Steering to the eastward three Ships in sight all standing the same way Latter part had about the Same weather watch variously employed saw severel [SEVERAL] finbacks and 3 Ships So ends Lat by Obs [LATITUDE BY OBSERVATION] 29..50 Long [LONGITUDE] 29..30

Tuesday 11th Commences with Strong wind from SW and rather Squally steering by the wind to the SE [???] at [??] PM Spoke Ship Washington from N [NEW] York bound to St Francisca [SAN FRANCISCO] middle and latter parts rather Squally and frequent Showers Steer South two Ships in Sight boath [BOTH] steering to the south ward so ends all well I [IN] Lat [27..34 CROSSED OUT] Lat [LATITUDE] 28.21 Long [LONGITUDE] 27..39 west

Last edit over 1 year ago by jrg
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Wednesday December 12th 1849 Began with Strong win [WIND] from WSW and Squally weather Ship under all sail steering S by west two ships to the windward boath [BOTH] steering the same way watch Employed setting up rigging Latter part had nearly a calm nothing occured [OCCURRED] worth remar [REMARKING] So ends all well I [IN] Lat [LATITUDE] Longitude

Thursday 13th 1849 Commenced a calm and plesant [PLEASANT] weather two Ships In Sigh[T] Starbord [STARBOARD] watch employed Setting up the Main rigging Middle and Latter parts had light wind from S East steer by the wind with the Larbord [LARBOARD] tacks aboard saw two finbacks and two vessels so goes Lat by Obs [LATITUDE BY OBSERVATION] 27..18 Long [LONGITUDE] 27..12

Friday 14th The day Began with light wind from SSE and plesant [PLEASANT] weather Ship under all sail steered by the wind to the S East Middle and Latter parts had about the Same weather 4[?] Ships in Sight all steering to the SW ward [SOUTHWESTWARD] employed grinding Spades and at sundry other Jobs So Ends

Saturday15th 1849 The day Began with plesant [PLEASANT] weather and light wind from S East Ship by the wind with Larbord [LARBOARD] watch aboard Latter part has Strong wind from East Set Top mast and Top gallant Studding Sails Saw severel [SEVERAL] finbacks and for a while took them to be Sperm whales so passed this day all well Lat by Obs [LATITUDE BY OBSERVATION] 25..08 Long [LONGITUDE]

Last edit over 1 year ago by jrg
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Sunday 16th December 1849 Began with strong wind from East and fair weather Ship under all Sail to the Southward saw severel [SEVERAL] finbacks Lowered and Chased brit without success Middle and Latter parts had nearly the same weather Spoke a Brig from Saco Bound to Sant [SAN] Francisco Saw another vessel steering SW so ends all well In Lat [LATITUDE] 23..02

Monday 17th This day began with strong Trades and plesant [PLEASANT] weather Ship under all sail steering S by East per Compass Middle and latter parts had light wind and Smokey [SMOKY?] two Ships In sight boath [BOTH] steering to the Southward so Ends Lat [LATITUDE] by Obs [OBSERVATION] 20..59 Long [LONGITUDE] 27..28

Tuesday 18th Commences with light wind from SE and thick hazey [HAZY] weather Steer close hauled to the SW git [GOT] out to lower studing [STUDDING] Sail boom on the Larboard Side Latter part had nearly a calm nothing in sight but water Lat [LATITUDE] by Obs [OBSERVATION] 19..44 Long [LONGITUDE] 26..55

Wednesday 19th This day began nearly a calm watch variously Employed Middle and Latter parts had a fine breeze from N East Squared yards and set a lower studding Sail Latter part Starboard watch employed Setting up the Mizen [MIZZEN] Rigging so Ends In Lat [LATITUDE]18..09 Long [LONGITUDE] 27..54[?]

Last edit over 1 year ago by jrg
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Thursday 20 December 1849 The day began with a fine breeze from SE and thick hazey [HAZY] weather Ship under all Sail steering S by west per Compass hands variously Imployed [EMPLOYED] nothing in sight but water Middle and Latter parts had fresh wind and pleasant Steer the same course hand[S] variously employed as required so ends all well Lat [LATITUDE] by Obs [OBSERVATION] 15..58 Long [LONGITUDE] 27..40 west

Friday 21st [VERTICAL TEXT IN THE LEFT MARGIN: opened Beef and Pork] Began with fresh Trades and fair weather Ship under all sail steering S by W per compass starbord [STARBOARD] watch to work on the Mizzen Rigging Middle and Latter parts had had light wind and pleasant weather Steer the same course watch variously employed so ends In Lat [LATITUDE] 31..44 Long [LONGITUDE] 27..27

Saturday 22ond Commences with light wind from ESE and pleasant weather steering S by W Middle and latter parts wind and weather the same Saw severel [SEVERAL] finbacks but nothing else fit foot ropes to the Jibboom So goes all well Lat [LATITUDE] 11..44 Long [LONGITUDE] 27..32 West

Sunday 23th [RD] Began with light wind from ENE and pleasant weather Ship under all sail steering S by W per compass watch variously Employed Latter part had about the same weather steer to the same course nothing in sight but water Lat [LATITUDE] by Obs [OBSERVATION] 9..44 Long [LONGITUDE] 27..05

Last edit over 1 year ago by jrg
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Monday 24th December 1849 The day Began with Light wind from NE and fair weather ship under all sail steering S by E saw Blackfish and Porpases [PORPOISES] Latter part had nearly the Same weather saw a ship steering WNW Latter part brakeout [BROKE OUT] the main hatch for water So ends all well Lat [LATITUDE] by Obs [OBSERVATION] 7..44 Long [LONGITUDE] 26..33

Sunday 25th The day began with light wind and frequent showers steering South Ship under all sail middle and Latter parts had rather more rain and varius [VARIOUS] wind saw one Ship steering NNW watch employed shaveing [SHAVING] Iron poles nothing more occured [OCCURRED] onboard no Obs [OBSERVATION] supposed Lat [LATITUDE] 6..30 Long [LONGITUDE] 26..10

Wednesday 26th Began with light baffling wind and frequent showers ship under all sail working to the southward at 3 PM the wind SE handed in studding sails and braced sharp Latter part had plenty of rain and nearly calm saw severel [SEVERAL] hogsheads of water nothing more occured [OCCURRED] during the day Lat [LATITUDE] by Obs [OBSERVATION] 5..45 Long [LONGITUDE] 26..00

Thursday 27th The day began with unsettled weather and nearly calm Latter part had a light wind from South and frequent rain steer by the wind to the SW one Sail in sight watch Employed shaveing [SHAVING] Iron poles so ends Lat [LATITUDE] by Obs [OBSERVATION] 4.56 Long [LONGITUDE] 25.55

Last edit over 1 year ago by jrg
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