Pages That Mention Bell Street
Seattle Aug 15th 1891 To the Honorable the Mayor and Councilof the City''of Seattle Gentleman We the undersigned citizens and tax-payers of Seattle would wish repectfully petition your honorable body to raise the sidewalk on the west side of Front Street from a point 60 feet north of Bell Street to 90 feet south of Bell Street so as to correspond with the grade north and south of said above described limits The dangerous conditions of the walk at the point would seem to make this improvement imperative. Names Wm Ritterhoff / E B Price J F Lord / J H Baylor J M Luirs / A R Burns C E Dyutlea / John Golay
137 COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEATTLE Sept 29/82 From Finance on the matter of suit-v-James McNaught recommending that the action be dismissed. Adopted From Finance on the report of Treasurer on a/c of Main & 8th street sidewalk funds, recommending the report be adopted & the balance in the funds be transferred to the City Fund. Adopted & such balance ordered so transferred. From Streets and Street Improvements on the petition of L. S. Rowe to lay water pipe from Eastside of 2d St on Bell Street along Bell Street to Front Street, along Front Street to Battery Street, recommending that the prayer of the petition be granted. Adopted From Streets and Street Improvements on the petition of W. A. Scott et all for the opening of Mill Street from 8th to Williamson Street, thence North to intersect with Lake Street, recommending that the prayer of the petition be granted. Adopted From Streets and Street Improvements on the petition of George Kinnear et al for the grading of Second Street from Mill Street to King Street, recommending that the prayer of the petition be Granted. Adopted and Legislative adn Judiciary Committee are instructed to submit the proper ordinance to provide for such grade. [side margin] From Street and Street Improvements upon the surveyor's recommendation that Union Street be regraded, recommending that certain additional grading be done. Laid over until next meeting From Licenses and Revenue on the application of Lewis Korn for a grocery license recommending that the same be granted. Adopted and license ordered issued Applications for Licenses Received. From James W. Smith for a Retail liquor. Granted & license ordered issued. From Jacob Bersch for a Grocery, Pigeon Hole & Pool tables, Referred to Committee on Licenses and Revenue. From Bears & Parker for a Billiard table. Granted & license ordered issued. Bill for Contract Work received And now in accordance with Ordinance No 294 and the Notices duly published thereunder the Council proceeds to open the bids for the construction of the sidewalk on Pine & 9th Streets under
To the Mayor and Common Council of the City of Seattle: We the undersigned residents of the City of Seattle, residing on Bell Street between West and Water Streets, respectfully ask your honorable body that an order be made authorizing and requiring that a Water Main be laid on said Street between said point. Name Residence M D Kennedy cor of Bell & Water W W Rosser 213 Bell St L B Davis Bell St
Please to furnish cost and kind of pipe and demention Report by Ordinance Dr. Sunnery
320 JOURNAL OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE Aug 4/83 From Robert Krupe et al for the grading of Blanchard Street. From Front to Alley between 5th and 6th. Referred to Streets. From A.A. Denny remonstrating against the proposed grading of Third Street from Pine to the City limits. Referred to Streets. From P. Quigley for extension of time on Eighth Street Improvement under Ordinance No. 388 to Aug. 15, 1883. Referred to Streets. From I. N. Bigelow et al for the grading of Third Street from Pine to the City limits north. Referred to Streets. From M. V. B. Stacy et al for the grading of Jackson Street from 12th to Market. Referred to Streets. From H. Sutherland et al for the Improvement of Marion Street. Front to alley west. Referred to Streets. From David Gilmore for repairing Front Street cribbing. Referred to Streets. From W.N. Bell et al for the grading of Battery Street from the Bay to the City limits. Referred to Streets. From W.G. Latimer et al for the grading of Vine Street for Water Street to Fifth. Referred to Streets. From Mrs. Geo N. Gosling for the right to maintain a sign, Referred to Streets. From W.N. Bell et al for the grading of Bell Street from Front to 6th. Referred to Streets. From Fridolin Wilhelm et al for the grading of South 4th Street from Mill to Main. Referred to Streets. Reports Rec'd From the Treasurer on the condition of general funds. Referred to Finance. From the Treasurer on the Cherry St grade Tax roll Ord 365; on the Seneca Street Sidewalk Tax roll Ord 336; on the Lower Spring St Improvement Tax roll Ord 365 and on the Upper Spring St Improvement Tax roll Ord 365. All referred to Finance. Committee's Reports Rec'd From the Special Committee on S.F. Hoole's petition for an extension of time on Washington St grade of 6 weeks recommending that the same be granted. Adopted upon the following vote, towit:
Warrants. Adopted
Ordered that the Street Comtee be & they are hereby granted further time on the claims of F. H Whitworth.
Ordered that the Streets Comtee be & they are hereby granted further time on the petitions of Bell et al for grading Vine & Bell Streets & on petition of Gatzert et al to change the grade on 4th Street.
From Licenses recommending the granting of the petition of Frank Lessman for the right to use license of Lessman & McLeod upon furnishing a proper bond. Adopted
Claims Paid The following claims having been duly audited by the Council are ordered paid by Warrants drawn on the funds & in the amounts following, towit:
Washington Street Improvement Ord 369 S. F. Hoole Contract Work on grade no $638.68
Gas Fund Young & McKeon repairs to mains no $1.90 Washington Iron Works lamp posts 33. John Spencer repairs to mains 27.50
The claim of Myra A. Carr for refunding taxes paid is referred to the Finance Comtee
Ordered that the Bond of the City Treasurer be and the same is hereby fixed at the sum of $40,000.00
Ordered that the Comtee on the Columbia Street Engine House be & they are hereby instructed to change the plans of said building so as to lengthen the same 10 feet provided however the Contractors and bondsmen assent in writing thereto
Ordered that the Vote by which the order of date August 4.1883 & entered on page 320 granting S. F. Hoole as extension of time on his Contract for the Improvement of Washington Street under Ordinance No. 369 be & the same is hereby reconsidered.
Ordered that S. F. Hoole be & he is hereby granted an extension of time on his Contract for the Improvement of Washington Street under Ordinance No. 369 upon his executing a new bond with good & sufficient sureties in the sum of $5000.00