City of Seattle Records

Pages That Mention South Second Street


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To the Mayor and Common Council of the City of Seattle:- Your petitioner, S L Bowman, a resident of the city of Seattle, respectfully petitions your honorable body to enact an ordinance granting to your petitioner and his assigns a franchise to build and operate a line of street railway in the city of Seattle, beginning at or near the corner of Yesler Avenue and South Second Street, thence southand east along south Second, Jackson, South Third and Weller Streets to the east line of the Syndicate Addition, thence southeasterly to the south boundry line of the city, which proposed route is more particularly designated in a draft herewith submitted of such an ordinance to that end as will be satisfactory to your petitioner; subject to such alterations of said proposed ordinance and ot the route therein designated, if any, as may appear suitable to your honorable body and as may be agreed upon between your honorable body and the undersigned. All which is respectfully submitted. Dated, June 27, 1890 S L Bowman

Last edit over 3 years ago by s.fristrom


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716 JOURNAL OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE mitteeof the whole, whereupon the City Attorney is requested to draw up and submit to the Council Certain amendments to the City Charter. From the Street Committee recommending that Mill Street be planked form the East side of Front Streetto the East side of South Second Street twenty four (24) feet in width, and from the East side of South Second Street to the East side of North Second Street sixteen (16) feet in width. And that South Second Street be planked from Mill Street to the planking on said Street north of the Depot, the same to be planked on the west side of said street sixteen (16) feet in width; that the South side of Main Street be planked from the East side of Commercial Street to the west side of Second St sixteen (16) feet in width. That Jackson Street be planked sixteen (16) feet in width from the east side of Commercial Street to the west end of Jackson Street Bridge; that as soon as the proper connection with the sewer are made which have been ordered by the council on Washington Street; that Washington Street be planked from the East Side of Commercial Street to theWest side of Second Street sixteen (16) feet in width. Report adopted. From Same Committee recommending that a sidewalk be ocnstructed on the West Side of Front Street from from the Northwest Cracker Co's building north to the south side of Seneca Street adopted and said side walk ordered built and the Street Commissioner directed to notify the owners of property adjacent to said improvement that said sidewalk has been ordered built. From Same Committee recommending that the petition for an elevated sidewalk be not granted for the reason

Last edit almost 4 years ago by StephanieJoWebb


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134 JOURNAL OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE Jan 7 1887 Petition of B B Allen et al to plank north side of Main Street between Commercial and South Second Streets. Referred to Street Committee Petition of Emil Anderson et al for a side walk on East Side of Seventh Street fromPike St to Battery St referred to Street Committee. Petition of Wm D Wood for approval of Wood's Supplemental Plat of Blocks 16 &17 of Burke's 2nd Addition to the City of Seattle refered to Street Com. Petition of D B Wood et al to open Box Street Laid on the Table Petition of L B Andrews et al to extend Marion Street sewer to the east side of Fourth Street. Referred to Committee on Sewers and Drainage. Official Reports Received From City Atty for Month of Dec. Read & Ordered filed. From Justice G A Hall for Month of Dec. Referred to Finance Com. From Chief of Police for Month of Dec. Read & Ordered filed. From City Treasurer for Month of Dec. Referred to Finance Com. From City Jailor for Month of Dec. Referred to Finance Com. From Chief of Fire Dept for Month of Dec. Referred to Fire & Water. From Street Commissioner for Month of Dec. Referred to Street Committee & returned approved. From Custodian of the Powder House for Nov & Dec read & approved & ordered filed. Committee Reports Received From Judiciary Committee on Communication from Knights of Labor asking for the discharge of street

Last edit almost 4 years ago by StephanieJoWebb


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148 JOURNAL OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE Feb 4 1887 Committee Reports Received From Street Committee granting petition of W B Benjamin et al for two crossings on Madison Street Adopted. FromSame Committee granting petition of L B Andrews for a sidewalk 136 feet long on [?] side of Madison Street between 3rd & 4th Streets. Adopted. From Same Committee granting petition of H A Bigelow et al for a crossing on Pike Street west side of Fourth Street. Adopted. From Same Committee rejecting petition of B B Allen et al for planking north side of Main Street to South Second Street. Adopted. From Same Committee granting petition of Emil Anderson et al for a sidewalk on Seventh Street from Pike Street to Battery Street and recommending that the City surveyor be instructed to prepare and submit plans therefor. On motion of Councilman Furth the report is laid on the table without action for the present. From the Same Committee on petition of U R Neisz et al to openand improve South Seventh Street from Pike Street to Mill Street recommending that the same be not granted, but recommending that when said Street is improved it be improved from Pike Street to Mill Street. From Finance Committee rejecting petition of Sisters of Providence Hospital for renumeration in the sum of $218.50 for care of wounded rioters. Adopted.

Last edit almost 4 years ago by StephanieJoWebb


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168 JOURNAL OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE Apr 1 1887 Be it remembered that on this 1st day of April A D 1887 the Common Council of the City of Seattle met in its Council Chamber pursuant to law. The following Officers are present to wit: Mayor W H Shoudy & Councilmen C W Coulter J Furth, J M Frink, Jos Green, T D Hinckley, T W Lake, R Russell & C F Reitze. The following proceedings were had to wit: The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. Petitions & Communications petition of M Phelan et al for the opening of Summit, Silver, Wall & Bancroft Streets. Referred to Street Com. Petitionof A Chilberg et al for extending Front Street through to South Second Street. Laid on the table. Petition of John Connors for refunding liquor license fee for unexpired term. Granted Petition of Armstrong & Allen for permission to raise the sidewalk around the New Arlington Hotel and open the alley through block from Main to Jackson Street between South Second Street & South Third Street. Granted Petition of August Melhorn for permission to move buildings from the SW corner of Columbia and Front Streets to the lot west of the Alley west of Front Street on Columbia Street. Granted. Petition of M V Stewart for the refunding of $5.15 taxes for improvements. referred to Judiciary Committee Petition of R Levy for permission to make ceertain

Last edit almost 4 years ago by StephanieJoWebb
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